



  1. 你這樣做就是讓人指責你不誠實。
    You're laying yourself wide open to accusations of dishonesty.
  2. 她指責我不誠實,可真把我惹火了。
    It really got my dander up when she began accusing me of dishonesty.
  3. 我們認為他不誠實。
    We found him (to be) dishonest.
  4. 我指責她不誠實。
    I charged her with dishonesty.
  5. 雖然她窮,卻未必不誠實。
    Although she is poor, it doesn't follow that she is dishonest.
  6. 這個商人經常表現得不誠實。
    The trader is always showing dishonesty.
  7. 我決不會與不誠實的人交朋友。
    I will not make friends with a dishonest person.
  8. 他是一個不誠實的商人。
    He is a dishonest merchant.
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