- 不規則LDPC碼irregular LDPC code
- 模擬結果表明,在高速傳輸速率下(384kbit/s),不規則LDPC碼具有優於Turbo碼的性能,這對於LDPC碼應用到複雜無線通信系統中具有重要意義。In high rate condition (384kbit/s), simulating results show that performances of irregular-LDPC codes are than that of Turbo codes. It is important value for LDPC coding in complex wireless communication systems.
- 不規則LDPCirregular LDPC
- 碼yard
- 一種基於循環移位矩陣的LDPC碼的研究Study of the LDPC code using cyclic shift matrices
- 不規則irregular
- 亂碼messy code
- 源碼source code
- 不規則的fitful
- 基於結構半隨機LDPC碼的協同編碼通信Cooperative coding based on structured semi-random LDPC codes
- 註冊碼poll code
- 碼錶stopwatch
- 不規則動詞irregular verb
- Turbo碼和LDPC碼都可以實現接近Shannon理論極限的性能。Beth turbo codes and LDPC codes can achieve the Shannon limited performance.
- 碼率code rate
- 碼字numeral
- 子網掩碼subnet mask
- 碼數code number
- 標碼labelled size
- 撥碼Dial-up