- 了不相涉completely irrelevant
- 常言所謂探知求識,每每必與新奇未知之物相涉牽。Whenever we talk in ordinary language of seeking information or gaining knowledge, we understand the words as connected with absolute novelty.
- 相mutually
- 我一直知道弗麗達決不會嫁給威利。他們好象根本不相配I knew all along that Freda would never marry Willie. They never seemed right for each other.
- 為了確保一種新技術的發展與利用,在多項依然是互不相涉的活動之間,必須有一種持不斷的交互聯繫。學科交叉的檢驗手法To ensure the development and exploitation of a new technology, there must be a constant----of several nevertheless distinct activities. Interplay implementation comprehending improvement exploration
- 千萬別用不相干的細節來拉長文章。Never pad out your essay with irrelevant details.
- 不相干的inconnected
- 不相等unlikeness
- 一個圓圍繞一個與它不相交的軸旋轉而產生的環形表面。a ring-shaped surface generated by rotating a circle around an axis that does not intersect the circle.
- 這種情況,同全黨工作著重點轉移的需要極端不相適應。The present state of affairs is entirely incompatible with the requirements of the shift of focus in the Party's work.
- 她故意把話題扯到不相干的事情上去。She was drawing a red herring across the path on purpose.
- 他的思想和已經變化了的情況不相適應。His thinking is incommensurate to the changed conditions.
- 用不相干的事實塞滿你的腦子是沒有用的。It's no use cramming your head with a lot of unrelated facts.
- 貿易競爭十分激烈,競爭的公司你爭我奪,各不相讓。There was so much competition for the trade that rival firms were fighting with the gloves off.
- 我的意見是別有不相干的細節來拉長你的故事。My advice is not to pad out your story with irrelevant details.
- "不同,相異:在本質、性質、數量或形式均不相同或不相象.""Differ:To be dissimilar or unlike in nature, quality, amount, or form"
- "不同的,不一樣的:在形式、特性、數量或本質上不相象的;不同的""different:Unlike in form, quality, amount, or nature; dissimilar"
- 有時在與自己地位不相等的人一起時會很尷尬。Sometimes it is awkward to be with people who are not your compeers.
- 答:這和歷史上的某些戰時內閣制度不相符合。Answer: It does not correspond to some of the war cabinets of the past.
- 不相等的,如在尺寸、長度或質量上Not equal, as in size, length, or quality.