- 融會中西立異標新--林風眠的繪畫藝術解讀Blending With West and East, Being Unorthodox--on the painting of LIN Feng-mian
- 標歧立異differentiation
- 求新立異be on the lookout for whatever is novel
- 彩色書標新用途New Use of Colour Bookmark
- 標prize
- 異標校正Calibration of different reference materials
- 實施新課標新課程的新策略New Strategies for Carrying out the New Course Standard and New Course
- 立異start something different
- 當然誰也不甘落後。No one of course wanted to be left behind.
- 創新立異be innovative
- 換新renew
- 她不甘落後,又試了一次。Not to be outdone(= not wanting to let sb else do better), she tried again.
- 異標相似-貝氏擬態allosematic resemblance
- 中立neutral
- 那小公民不甘落後,宣言她是天堂的見證。The little citizen, not to be outdone, declared her to be a celestial witness.
- 新東方New Orient
- 上標superscript
- 莉莎得意地「哧哧」笑起來,那些小的也不甘落後。Liza giggled triumphantly, and the little ones strove to emulate her.
- 高新high-new
- 分立schism