- 不成熟juvenility
- 不成熟的jejune
- 他在會上大膽發表了一個不成熟的意見。He ventured a premature opinion at the meeting.
- 不成熟DCImmature DC
- 孩子氣的不成熟的男子;由巴里劇本中的永遠長不大的男孩得名。a boyish or immature man; after the boy in Barrie's play who never grows up.
- 一個不成熟的青年,面臨著生活的困境An unskilled youth faces a difficult life.
- 在果實不成熟時(皮和種子未變硬之前)食用的灌木般茂生的植物any of various usually bushy plants producing fruit that is eaten while immature and before the rind or seeds harden
- 我們認為商談獨家代理問題的時機還不成熟。We do not think the time have mature for negotiation over exclusive representation.
- 母豬在它大部分繁殖過程是不成熟的。Sows are immature for the majority of their breeding life.
- 在大學校園,高消費者和低消費者同在,早熟型消費與不成熟型消費共存.On campus,high consumption coexists with low consumption,together with precocious consumption and immature consumption.
- 這是因為我們的市場經濟還很不成熟。This is because our market economy is still too young.
- 他的不成熟的表現看上去不那麼有趣。His immature behavior was not so interesting.
- 他裝作老於世故,而實際上卻很不成熟。He pretends he's been around but he's really very immature.
- 小老爺被認為不成熟或不重要的老爺A lord regarded as immature or insignificant.
- 固著,依戀以一種不成熟或神經質的方式(把自己)和另一個人或事聯繫起來。To attach(oneself) to a person or thing in an immature or neurotic fashion.
- 他們還觀察到不成熟的嗜中性的白細胞數目增多。They also observed an increase in the number of immature neutrophils.
- 我們認為討論獨家代理問題時機尚不成熟。We do not think the time is ripe for the discussion of the question of sole agency.
- 只要仔細嚼,吃青蘋果不會肚子痛,因為胃並不能區別出成熟和不成熟的蘋果。You won't get a bellyache from eating a green apple, as long as you chew it completely.The stomach doesn't know the difference between ripe and unripe apples.
- 它描寫一位青年從不成熟到成熟的發展過程。It traces the development of a young man from immaturity to maturity.
- 摘要轉型時期,我國的行政文化呈現出一種「二元性」特徵,發育尚不成熟。In the transitional period, our administrative culture is dual and immature.