- 他老公罵他紅杏出牆,不守婦道。結果不過是誤會一場。His husband accused him of cheating, but it turned out to be a misunderstanding.
- 在過去,人們認為喜歡拋頭露面的婦女是不守婦道的。In the past, people considered women who appeared in public to be lacking in virtue.
- 他不守紀律。He is not subject to discipline.
- 老闆喋喋不休地抱怨有人不守時間,真讓人心煩。The boss gets on my wick with his everlasting complaints about timekeeping.
- 不守本分swerve from the path of duty
- 約翰遜不守運動道德,教練對此不以為然。Johnson's poor sportsmanship does not sit well with the coach.
- 私通, 不守貞節conjugal infidelity
- 她嚇得魂不守舍。She was terrified and she was rapt.
- 不守而守to guard without guarding
- 他的不守時成為開除他的借口。His unpunctuality served as an excuse to get rid of him.
- 有時候年輕人不守常規。All teenagers kick over the traces at some time.
- 不守法律的injudicial
- 不守形式的fugate
- 守/不守安息日to keep/break the Sabbath(= to obey/disobey the religious rules for this day)
- 過去我跟他在一起時,往往發覺他老是神不守舍、漫不經心。I have hitherto often found him a very absent and inattentive companion
- 孩子們很不守規矩,在房子里跑來跑去,像是在自己家 一樣。The children were quite unruly and ran around the house as if they owned it.
- 你的不守時刻把整個計劃都打亂了。Your unpunctuality crossed up the whole programme.
- 主辦方被告知要大聲呼喊,使觀眾席中不守規矩的客人講不下去。The host was told to shout down on unruly guests in the audience.
- 赴約不守時是對他人極大的不尊重。Failure to be punctual in keeping one's appointments is a sign of disrespect towards others.
- 老師警告他們說誰要不守規矩就罰誰.The teacher warned them that she would punish anyone who stepped out of line.