



  1. 我一點也不害怕。
    I'm not in the least afraid.
  2. 那店員一點也不怕麻煩。
    The shop assistant was not in the least afraid of the trouble.
  3. 他的解釋一點也不令人滿意。
    His explanation was far from satisfactory.
  4. 即使他有錢,卻一點也不快樂。
    He is none the happier for his great wealth.
  5. 即使他運動,他的健康狀況卻一點也不好。
    His health is none the better for his exercise (=because he takes exercise).
  6. 即使她身穿時髦洋裝,卻一點也不漂亮。
    She is none the more beautiful because she wears a fancy dress.
  7. 我一點也不滿意。
    I'm not at all satisfied.
  8. 我一點也不疲倦。
    I am not in the least tired.
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