- 一步(single) step
- 一步局部M-估計one-step local M-estimation
- 缺失數據下局部M-估計的相合性和漸近正態性Consistency and asymptotic normality of local M-estimator in case of response data missing
- 步march
- 他一想到這場災難,兩腿就像有千斤重,再也挪不動一步了。Eg. All the thought of the mishap his legs stiffened under him and couldn't move a step further.
- 局部part
- 但是,每撞擊一次就意味著他們離自己的家更近一步了。Thus was coined the phrase "every knock is one step closer to home".
- 我們比競爭對手搶先一步,這意味著我們書的銷售量會更多。Our anticipation of our competitors meant greater sales for our book.
- 吳蓀甫走前一步,威嚴的眼光在屋子裡掃射,最後落在阿萱的身上。The latter walked up to them, glaring round the room and finally stopping to fix his gaze on Ah-hsuan.
- 前不久,中美就中國加入世貿組織達成雙邊協議,我國加入WTO邁出了重要一步。Not long ago,China and US have reached the bilateral agreement on China's entry into the World Trade Organization,marking an important step towards our accession to the WTO.
- 單擊要使用的轉移方法,例如「軟盤驅動器或其他可移動媒體」,然後單擊下一步。Click the transfer method that you want to use, for example, Floppy drive or other removable media, and then click Next.
- 「我們已安排了主講人並訂下了會議廳。下一步做什麼?」"We've arranged for the principal speakers and booked the conference hall. What's the next step?"
- 每走一步都必定會有的收,有的放,這是很自然的事情。It is only natural that when taking a step forward we should contract some things and expand others.
- 如果雙方再不能達成一致意見,賣方可以決定如何進行下一步工作,並向買方提交備忘錄。If unanimous opinion cannot be concluded between both parties, the Seller shall decide upon the next action, as well as submit a relevant memo to the Buyer.
- 我們比競爭對手搶先一步,這意味著我們書的銷售量會更多。Our anticipation of our competitor mean greater sale for our book.
- 在很多方面,客戶機/伺服器只是邁向內部網的重要一步。In many ways, client/server was merely the first tentative step toward an intranet.
- 嚮導是一步一步的過程,而不是用戶和程序之間的對話。Wizards are written as step-by-step procedures, rather than as informed conversations between user and program.
- 保護未出生嬰兒協會昨晚表示,克隆人是「極其可怕和危險的一步。」The Society for the Protection of Unborn Children said last night that human cloning was an " extremely sinister and dangerous development" .
- 「皮武,有人搶先了一步,已經把箱子翻了個底朝天。」'Pew,' he cried, 'they've been before us. Someone's turned the chest out alow and aloft.'