- 二次X射線曝光製作凹面光柵Fabrication of Concave Grating by Double X-ray Lithography
- 一次X射線primary X-ray
- 作一次X光檢查to have an X-ray
- 醫院將在下周安排一次X光檢查。The hospital will arrange an X ray examination next week.
- 安迪,我看你需要做一次X光透視。I'm sure that you need an X-ray, Andy.
- "晚安,小姐," 他又說了一次。 "我看你有煩惱的事!我真心希望事情會好轉。""Good night, miss, " he said again. "I see you've got a trouble: and I'm sure I hope it'll turn out for the best."
- 爆炸后的影響可以在一種被稱為黑洞候選體的X射線雙星中觀察到。The after-effects are observed in some X-ray binaries known as black hole candidates.
- 安排在6月6日作一次X光檢查。An X-ray examination was arranged for June 6th .
- 二次x射線secondary x rays
- 我團對敵人的陣地發動了一次突擊。Our regiment spring a surprise attack on the enemy position.
- 再一次感謝您邀請我們,實在太好了。Thanks again. It really is very kind of you to invite us.
- 27歲的朗黛絲說,儘管她每周去理療一次,她今年過的大半日子「像個四肢不全的廢人。」Launders, 27, said she has spent most of the year "like a basket case" despite seeing a therapist once a week.
- 肺部病變行3次X線檢查,1次CT檢查。Pulmonary pathological changes were examined by X-ray (3 times) and CT (1 time) .
- 它是一個不規則的快速變化的X射線輻射源,每秒鐘閃爍100次。It is a highly variable and irregular source with X-ray emission that flickers in a hundredth of a second burst.
- 愛德華遇上了一次車禍,但據說他沒有救了。Edward has been involved in a car crash and they say he won't pull through.
- 這個故事使我想起我的一次親身經歷。The story reminds me of an experience I once had.
- 肋骨骨折首次X線平片檢查漏診原因的分析(附51例報告)Analysis of causes of misdiagnosis of rib fracture in the initial X-ray plain film(report of 51 cases)
- 幾位著名的歌唱演員受邀為一次全國性歌唱比賽作評判員。Several famous singers are invited to act as judge for a national song contest.
- 集成電路的二次封裝屏蔽硬X射線研究Research on secondary package shielding of hard X-rays for integrated circuits
- 11月30日,這地區發生一次強烈地震。The district was hit by a violent earthquake on. November30.