- I got a job in a textile factory. 我在一家紡織廠找到一份工作。
- The textile industry employs many women workers. 紡織工業雇許多女工人。
- He intends to retail textile goods. 他打算零售紡織品。
- Mary studies at the textile institute. 瑪麗在紡織學院學習。
- The designers have created a new textile. 設計人員創造了一種新織物。
- Some businessmen wear pinstripe suits. 有些商人身穿細條紋西裝。
- Without a pinstripe, you'd be underdressed. 不穿條紋西服,那你就穿得太隨便了。
- Fructification provides pectination pinstripe. 果實具梳狀細條紋。
- You always liked me in a pinstripe, didn't you? 你喜歡我穿細條紋的衣服,不是嗎?
- The textile industry was denationalized. 紡織業恢復為私營。
- Will termination of Textile Quota Bring Higher Tax? 紡織配額的終止會否帶來更高的稅額?
- I have been in textile for more than 20 years. 我做紡織生意20多年了。
- A textile design having thin, threadlike stripes. 有細直條紋的織物圖案
- This is a sanatorium for textile workers. 這是一所紡織工人療養院。
- Shanghai Rieter-Jingwei Textile Machinery Ltd. 立達經緯
- China's woollen textile industry is forging ahead to meet the needs of the country. 中國的毛紡工業正迅速發展以適應國家的需要。
- What we can order from you is high-quality textile. 我們向貴方訂購高品質的紡織品。
- Zhejiang Delong Summit Textile Co., Ltd. 浙江德龍莎美特針紡織有限公司。
- Zhejiang Zhihong Textile Garment Co., Ltd. 浙江智鴻紡織服飾有限公司。
- Zhejiang lingda textile trade co., Ltd. 浙江凌達紡織貿易有限公司。