- 不計except
- 計入reckon in
- 計件by the job
- Pseudo-F值Pseudo -F statistic
- pseudo-分裂句pseudo - cleft sentence
- 液位計juice level gauge
- pseudo β-gene假β基因
- 硬度計sclerometer
- 滑鼠游標(Cursor)mouse cursor
- Pseudo-Gibbs現象pseudo-Gibbs phenomenon
- 計畫plan
- 在OUTPUT參數中使用cursor數據類型Using the cursor Data Type in an OUTPUT Parameter
- pseudo-Voigt函數pseudo-Voigt function
- 時計hour meter
- 使用一個或多個REF CURSOR填充DataSetFilling a DataSet Using One or More REF CURSORs
- Pseudo-Zernike矩Pseudo - Zernike moments
- 事前計提基金advanced funding
- pseudo-invexity函數pseudo-invexity function
- 用計maneuver
- Pseudo-γ-schizandrin假-γ-五味子素