- (=preferred) 優先的prefd.
- 不計except
- 計入reckon in
- preferred orientation (優選方位)定向方位
- Preferred Link Set -- 在該欄位指定首選的鏈路群。Preferred Link Set-the preferred link set is specified in this field.
- 計件by the job
- [+plan,scheme] 保密under wraps
- 液位計juice level gauge
- [idea,plan etc+] 成形to take shape
- 為進一步簡化選擇房間這一任務,我們為Notes 7郵件模板增加了Preferred Room特性。To make the task of selecting a room easier, we have added the Preferred Room feature to the Notes 7 mail template.
- 硬度計sclerometer
- [plan,idea+] 對某人沒有吸引力to be unattractive to sb
- 計畫plan
- plan是指勾畫出一地方或工程等的圖樣Plan is to draw a diagram of a place,project,etc
- 時計hour meter
- 對於PLAN_ROW類型的行,此列包含對操作的說明。For rows of type PLAN_ROW, this column contains a description of the operation.
- 事前計提基金advanced funding
- 指定DROP ALL時,不能指定N'plan_guide_name。N'plan_guide_name cannot be specified when DROP ALL is specified.
- 用計maneuver
- 說明如何通過USE PLAN查詢提示對查詢實現強制計劃。Explains how to implement plan forcing for a query using the USE PLAN query hint.