- 不計except
- 計入reckon in
- 計件by the job
- dump bottom (排種裝置等的)活動底
- 液位計juice level gauge
- end dump body (自動傾卸車)后傾卸車身
- 硬度計sclerometer
- 類庫不需要Main過程。Class libraries do not require a Main procedure.
- disk storage unit 磁碟存儲器, 磁碟機
- roll-over dump (殼型鑄造機)翻斗撒砂
- 計畫plan
- 返回值通常是main方法。The return value is normally the main method.
- be put in storage (存貨)入庫
- 如果你遇到core dump,gdb此時就會通知你If you are getting a core dump, gdb should inform you of this now
- 在模塊中,Main不必是Shared。In a module, Main does not need to be Shared.
- element storage rack (燃料)元件存放架
- 時計hour meter
- steam-dump system (汽輪機事故時用的)蒸汽排放系統
- 從目錄添加到Main區域的目錄Controls added to Main zone from the catalog
- fast mass storage (計算機)快速大容量存儲器