- 不計except
- 計入reckon in
- 而Carver的因果模式(the causal model)就為這方面的研究提供了理論框架。The causal model by Carver explains the causes of high and low reading achievement. The causal model is based on rauding theory. Rauding is the process of comprehending sentences, or complete thoughts, during reading or auding.
- 計件by the job
- 液位計juice level gauge
- ADO.StreamADO.Stream
- 硬度計sclerometer
- [event,time+] 臨近to draw near
- STREAM演算法STREAM algorithm
- event (指網路模型)結局
- 計畫plan
- ADODB.StreamADODB.Stream
- [event+] 和某事同時發生to coincide with sth
- 時計hour meter
- 從Stream類派生的類包括Classes that derive from the Stream class include
- event's failing (概率論)事件不出現
- 事前計提基金advanced funding
- capturing stream (河流)襲奪
- Event廣告:轟動與危機的邊緣Event Ad.:on Boundary of Convulsion and Crisis
- 用計maneuver