- 經scripture
- 經期menstrual period
- intermediate improvement cutting (林業的)撫育間伐
- 心經heart channel
- 經編warp knitting
- 因此,您在創建團隊項目時必須選擇模板MSF for CMMI Process Improvement。Therefore, you must select the template MSF for CMMI Process Improvement when you create the team project.
- 道德經Classic of the Virtue of the Tao
- 如果使用專門組,則應在創建新團隊項目時使用模板MSF for CMMI Process Improvement。If using a special group, use the template MSF for CMMI Process Improvement when you create a new team project.
- 經授權的authorized
- 可以根據每個MSF for CMMI Process Improvement角色創建自定義組,並將用戶分配到這些自定義組。You can create custom groups based on each MSF for CMMI Process Improvement role and assign users to these groups.
- 經書Confucian classics
- 絕經menostasia
- 愛經Kamasutra
- 可使用此過程模板作為基本起點,或者作為MSF for Agile Development模板或MSF for CMMI Process Improvement模板的另一種選擇。Use this process template as a basic starting point and an alternative to the MSF for Agile Software Development or the MSF for CMMI Process Improvement templates.
- 五經the five classics
- 外經foreign economic relations
- 經向warp direction
- 經停stop over
- 不經without
- 經痛menstrual colic