- 經scripture
- 經期menstrual period
- perennial yield (地下水的)常年產水量
- minimal effective doseM.E.D.
- 心經heart channel
- yield condition (試驗材料的彈性彎度等)屈服條件
- 經編warp knitting
- effective throat(焊縫)有效厚度
- 如果使用yield時未包含表達式,則會發生此錯誤。This error occurs if yield is used without an expression.
- effective throw (水槍)有效射程
- 道德經Classic of the Virtue of the Tao
- 修改包含yield return或yield break語句的方法。Modifying a method that contains a yield return or yield break statement.
- 經授權的authorized
- effective temperature有效溫度有效溫度
- yield curve (某種證券到期日和收益之間的關係)收益曲線
- effective absorption(木材等)有效吸水量
- 經書Confucian classics
- effective circulation (貨幣)實際流通額
- 絕經menostasia