- 經scripture
- 經期menstrual period
- 心經heart channel
- "house"是"mouse"的同韻字。"House" is a rhyme for "mouse".
- 經編warp knitting
- 買書畫買了假的,一文不值,只等於waste paper。If you buy calligraphy or paintings which turn out to be fakes, they aren't worth a cent.They just amount to wastepaper
- 道德經Classic of the Virtue of the Tao
- 實際上,紙這個詞(paper)就是由紙莎草"Papyrus"引伸而來。The word paper, in fact, is derived from the word papyrus.
- 這座Creak house,And The Creaky House
- 經授權的authorized
- 實際上,紙這個詞(paper)就是由紙莎草"papyrus"引伸而來。The word paper, in fact, is derived from the word papyrus
- 地點在Creaky house。at The Creaky House.
- 經書Confucian classics
- [house etc+] 被燒光to go up in smoke
- 這些變化背重新整理,與Standard Catalog of World Paper Money完全不同These variations have been completely reorganized, and is completely different from that in Standard Catalog of World Paper Money
- 絕經menostasia
- haus 和 house 是同源詞。'Haus' and 'house' are cognates.
- 愛經Kamasutra
- 然後順著wall爬到house頂上去,I can climb up the wall.
- 五經the five classics