- 經scripture
- 經期menstrual period
- 但是,執行DROP ASSEMBLY之後,任何調用程序集代碼的嘗試將失敗。However, after DROP ASSEMBLY executes, any attempts to invoke the assembly code will fail.
- 心經heart channel
- 使用infile中的密鑰對對已簽名或部分簽名的assembly進行測試簽名。Test sign the signed or partially signed assembly with the key pair in infile.
- 經編warp knitting
- 道德經Classic of the Virtue of the Tao
- 使用包含發出的Assembly、基於通用對象文件格式(COFF)的圖像來載入Assembly。Loads the Assembly with a common object file format (COFF) based image containing an emitted Assembly.
- 經授權的authorized
- 目的 研究 DFA( Design For Assembly)下影響產品裝配質量的因素並對其進行評價 .Aim To study the factors influencing assembling quality of product under the condition of DFA (Desing for Assembly), and carry through the evaluation.
- 經書Confucian classics
- 絕經menostasia
- 若要修改類型,必須刪除該類型,然後再重新創建,或者使用WITH UNCHECKED DATA子句發出ALTER ASSEMBLY語句。To modify a type, you must either drop the type and then re-create it, or issue an ALTER ASSEMBLY statement by using the WITH UNCHECKED DATA clause.
- 愛經Kamasutra
- Assembly屬性在「程序集信息」對話框中設置,單擊「項目設計器」的「應用程序」選項卡上的「應用程序信息」可訪問該對話框。Assembly attributes are set in the Assembly Information dialog box, which is available by clicking the Application Information button on the Application tab of the Project Designer.
- 五經the five classics
- 外經foreign economic relations
- 經向warp direction
- 經停stop over
- 不經without