- 經scripture
- 經期menstrual period
- 心經heart channel
- 經編warp knitting
- 道德經Classic of the Virtue of the Tao
- (=artificial) 人工的,人造的,假的artif.
- 經授權的authorized
- n. (=Artificial Intelligence)人工智慧A.I.
- 經書Confucian classics
- Artificial Life是兩個領域的決賽候選人Artificial Life is a Finalist in two areas
- 絕經menostasia
- Artificial Life的成就被授予無數獎項。The achievement of Artificial Life has been well recognized by numerous industry awards.
- 愛經Kamasutra
- artificial insemination 人工受精,人工受孕art.insem.
- 五經the five classics
- 外經foreign economic relations
- 經向warp direction
- 經停stop over
- 不經without
- 經痛menstrual colic