- (=convergence) 會聚,集合,趨同現象,輻輳converg.
- 醫保medical insurance
- (=positive pressure) 正壓pos.pr.
- Harnacks first convergence theorem哈拿克第一收斂定理
- 醫改medical reform
- (=phenylpyruvic acid positive) 苯基丙酮酸陽性PPA pos.
- (=Rhesus factor positive) Rh因子陽性,狝猴因子陽性Rh pos.
- 諱疾忌醫conceal one's faults for fear of criticism
- 在資料複製機中,一種色調安排與原件相反的複製件。對照positive。In a document copying machine, a copy having tonal arrangements opposite to those on the original.
- 醫者doctor
- 學醫study medicine
- 病急亂投醫turn to any doctor one can find when critically ill - try anything when in a desperate situation
- 女醫woman physician
- 醫神Aesculapius
- 她打算學醫。The destination of her study is medicine.
- 艾倫把奄奄一息的妻子帶去看另一位醫生,那是在把死馬當活馬醫。Alan was clutching at straws when he took his dying wife to another doctor.
- 馬醫horse doctor
- 醫患關係relationship between doctors and patients
- 醫患doctors and patients
- 醫保制度改革reform of medical insurance system; medical insurance reform