- 目的:觀察骨髓單個核細胞(mononuclear bone marrow cell,MBMC)移植對缺血性心肌病患者左心功能及血漿利鈉肽的影響。Objective:To explore the effect of the intracoronary transfer of autologous mononuclear bone marrow cell (MBMC)on ischemic heart failure(IHF) and change of plasm levels of natriuretic peptides after MBMC implantation.
- 醫保medical insurance
- 醫改medical reform
- (=fluid extract) 流浸膏ext. fl.
- extract()返回成功導入到符號表中的變數數目。Extract() returns the number of variables successfully imported into the symbol table.
- 諱疾忌醫conceal one's faults for fear of criticism
- 醫者doctor
- 如果沒有指定extract_type,則被假定為EXTR_OVERWRITE。If extract_type is not specified, it is assumed to be EXTR_OVERWRITE.
- 數據流中的第一個組件是名為Extract Data的OLE DB源。The first component within the data flow is an OLE DB source named Extract Data.
- 學醫study medicine
- 病急亂投醫turn to any doctor one can find when critically ill - try anything when in a desperate situation
- Extract Method確定新方法的簽名,並在新方法中的代碼不引用實例數據時創建靜態方法。Extract Method determines the signature of the new method, creating a static method when no instance data is referenced by the code within the new method.
- 女醫woman physician
- 將游標置於Extract Sample Currency轉換的右上方,單擊並將游標拖過所有的數據流組件。Place the cursor to the top and to the right of the Extract Sample Currency transformation, click, and then drag the cursor across all the data flow components.
- 醫神Aesculapius
- 她打算學醫。The destination of her study is medicine.
- 艾倫把奄奄一息的妻子帶去看另一位醫生,那是在把死馬當活馬醫。Alan was clutching at straws when he took his dying wife to another doctor.
- 馬醫horse doctor
- 醫患關係relationship between doctors and patients
- 醫患doctors and patients