- He can barely feed and clothe his family. 他勉強能給予全家人溫飽。
- He has to work hard to feed and clothe his family. 他必須努力工作以供給全家吃穿。
- He have to work hard to feed and clothe his family. 他必須努力工作以供給全家吃穿。
- He had to work hard to feed and clothe the large family. 他必須努力工作才能使全家有飯吃,有衣穿。
- He tugged all the year round to feed and clothe his family. 他終年為全家提供衣食而勞碌。
- She has to work hard to feed and clothe her family. 為了使家人有吃有穿,她不得不勤奮地工作。
- They have to work hard to feed and clothe their family. 他們不得不為一家人的吃穿努力工作。
- He has to work hard to feed and clothe a big family. 他必須努力工作以供給一大家人吃穿。
- Now they are able to feed and clothe their children properly. 如今他們能供孩子們吃飯、穿衣。
- He laboured all the year round to feed and clothe his family. 他終年為全家提供衣食而勞碌。
- He has to work hard in order to feed and clothe his family. 他不得不努力工作以供給家人衣食。
- As we have to feed and clothe more people, we have to produce more. 人們得穿衣吃飯,所以生產量也就大多了。
- I do not know where the money is to come from to feed and clothe them all. 我不知道從哪兒弄錢來供他們吃穿。
- I know of an organization which raises money to feed and clothe refugees. 我知道有一個組織,它專門募集捐款解決難民的吃飯穿衣問題。
- When the children were young, we had to stint ourselves of necessities in order to feed and clothe them. 孩子們小的時候,我們得省吃儉用供孩子們吃飯、穿衣。
- When the children were young,we had to stint ourselves of necessities in order to feed and clothe them. 孩子們小的時候,我們得省吃儉用供孩子們吃飯、穿衣。
- I resent her coming round to play Lady Bountiful.Tell her we are not so poor that we can't feed and clothe ourselves. 我討厭她來這兒裝扮成女施主,告訴她我們還沒窮到沒吃沒穿的地步。
- Reuben's mother, Dora, stretched like elastic to feed and clothe their five children. 魯本的母親多拉,為了不讓五個孩子凍著餓著,差不多是一個錢當兩個錢用。
- Reuben's mother, Dora, stretced like elastic to feed and clothe their five children. 魯本的母親多拉,為了不讓五個孩子凍著餓著,差不多是一個錢當兩個錢用。
- We should feed and clothe him gratuitously sometimes, and recruit him with our cordials, before we judge of him. 有時我們實在應該先無條件供應一個人的衣食,熱誠接納,才去判斷其生命價值。