- Fall back on old friends in time of need. 在需要時求助於老朋友們
- After a brief rally share fall back to a new low. 股票經過一次短暫回升后回落到一個新的低點。
- Badly beaten, the intruders fell back in disorder. 入侵者受到重創,狼狽潰退。
- He is a man to fall back on in case of emergency. 他是一位在緊急時刻可以向其求助的人。
- I'm not one of those people who go in for dieting. 我不是那種習慣於限制飲食的人。
- Most girls do not go in for rough games. 大多數女孩子不參加粗野的遊戲。
- As I have shown with the pictures here (going in reverse), males slowly transform from a soft tan to a dark neon blue, with a gorgeous orange stripe on the dorsal fin. 請參考一下旁邊的圖片,雄性會從棕褐色慢慢的變成深藍色,同時背鰭上順延出一條金黃色的條紋。
- He hide money in the mattress so he can have something to fall back on. 他把錢藏在床墊里,以資有些東西作為靠山。
- I don't go in for loud popular music. 我不喜歡喧鬧的流行音樂。
- Once he made a promise, he would never fall back. 他一是答應了就決不會食言。
- Drive the automobile in reverse until you get out of the alley. 倒開汽車直到你開出這條巷子。
- He go in search of a doctor for his sick wife. 他去為他生病的妻子找醫生。
- Ambulances have `AMBULANCE' printed in reverse on their bonnets. 救護車發動機罩蓋上標有逆序反向字母的AMBULANCE字樣。
- In an emergence we can fall back on our savings. 緊急時刻,我們總可以依靠我們的儲蓄。
- It's all go in the office today. 今天辦公室里忙得不可開交。
- If we all go in one car, we'll save on petrol. 如果我們大家擠在一輛車裡,就可以節省汽油。
- Aside from his meager savings, he has no resources to fall back on. 除了極少量的積蓄外,他沒有可以依賴的財源。
- I have a little money in the bank to fall back on. 我在銀行還有一點錢可以需要時動用。
- Gold go in at any gate except heaven's. 除了天堂門,黃金皆可進。
- The crowd fell back to let the players through. 人群後退讓運動員們通過。