- Before he got to the workshop, the machine had been set in motion. 在他到達車間之前,機器已經開動了。
- To set in motion; make active or more active. 使活動,使活潑使活動起來;使活躍或更活躍
- The wheels of change have been set in motion. 變革的車輪已經開始運轉。
- The machine has been set in motion. 運動:指運動的本身或具體的運動。
- That very night, our secret work has set in motion. 在那個特別的夜晚,我們的秘密工作開始了。
- Money to the extent of hundreds of thousands was set in motion. 流通的金錢達幾十萬金元之多。
- Nothing can be set in motion without a force acting on it. 沒有力對它起作用時,什麼也發不了它。
- But the events he set in motion could not be so easily restrained. 可是由此觸發的一系列事件卻沒有象這個年輕人一樣易於控制。
- Her actions set in motion a complicated judicial process. 她的訴訟啟動了一套複雜的司法程序。
- The radiation expelled from Pharaoh Ramen's combustion set in motion enough radiation to begin a fall in consciousness for all humans within a 300-mile radius. 來自法老拉蒙燃燒的輻射啟動了足夠多的輻射,開始在方圓300英里中導致所有人類的意識下降。
- With his new resolve, Luke set in motion two assaults. 盧克帶著新的決心,發動了兩起襲擊。
- His death set in motion a train of events that led to the outbreak of war. 他的死引發了一系列的事件,從而導致了戰爭的爆發。
- If the glider is set in motion, it is observed to move at a constant speed. 假如讓滑動物運動,就可以看到它的運動是恆速的。
- Barbicane, as if he had been set in motion by a spring, raised himself up. 巴比康象受到彈簧推動似的,霍地站了起來。
- The currents set in motion had a hopeful, irreversible quality about them. 這些涌動起來的急流有著充滿希望、不可逆轉的特點。
- In your usual flamboyant style, you have set in motion the next gate phase. 按你一貫浮誇的風格,你已經讓門進入了下一種狀態。
- He pushed a button and set the machine in motion. 他按下按鈕開動了機器。
- Indeed, that very night, the impossible had already been set in motion. 其實,在那天晚上,不可能的事就已經在開始發生了。
- No body at rest can be set in motion withouta force being acted upon it. 沒有力的作用,靜止的物體不可能開始運動。
- The currents set in motion had a hopeful , irreversible quality about them . 這些涌動起來的急流有著充滿希望、不可逆轉的特點。