- We made a vain attempt to make him change his mind. 我們想讓他改變主意,但都是白費工夫。
- I made a vain attempt to enlighten you. 算我白啟發你了。
- She made a vain attempt to stop him. 她試圖阻止他,但是徒然。
- He made a vain attempt to reach the drowning child. 他試圖接近那個快淹死的小孩, 但沒有成功。
- They made vain attempts to reach the mountaintop. 他們幾次徒然嘗試想攀登山頂。
- She made a vain attempt to persuade him to lend her the money. 她想說服他借錢給她,結果沒有成功。
- The teacher made a vain attempt to get the children to obey. 老師想叫孩子守紀律,但是徒勞無功。
- He made a vain attempt to reach the summit of the mountain. 他試圖登上那座山的頂峰,但未能成功。
- Putt means merely a vain attempt to do the same thing. 高爾夫球的手段僅僅是一個妄圖做同樣的事情。
- She closed her eyes tightly in a vain attempt to hold back the tears. 她緊閉雙眼,卻無法忍住眼淚。
- That scab union was a tool used by the capitalists in their vain attempt to damp down the labour movement. 那個黃色工會是資本家妄圖用來撲滅工人運動的工具。
- They embarked on a wild goose chase across the city in a vain attempt to find their lost son. 他們在全城徒勞奔波,無法找到失去的孩子。
- I am not disappointed because every time I leave the vain attempt behind me, I make a step forward. 我並不氣餒,因為我將每一次錯誤的嘗試拋在腦後,就等於是向前跨了一步!
- I am not disappointed, because every time I leave the vain attempt behind me, I make a step forward. 我並不氣餒,因為我將每一次錯誤的嘗試拋在腦後,就等於是又向前跨了一步。(愛迪生)
- These four men offered nothing but a vain attempt at utopia in this life and no promise of life hereafter. 這四個人只帶給人虛空的盼望,一個虛假的烏托邦國度,而不是死後生命的應許。
- The two superpowers both collude and struggle with each other in a vain attempt to redivide the world. 這兩個超級大國又勾結,又爭奪,妄圖重新瓜分世界。
- I am not disappointed , because every time I leave the vain attempt behind me , I make a step forward. 我並不氣餒,因為我將每一次錯誤的嘗試拋在腦後,就等於是又向前跨了一步。
- He was in long pants and long sleeves shirt, all in a vain attempt to cover up his foolhardy acts of yester-years. 老先生穿了長袖襯衫、長褲,看出他在很努力地遮蓋自己的「當年勇」。
- He's excused himself to shut a door, a vain attempt to muffle the din of clashing light sabres and other frankly weird clanging noises. 海登為自己必須把門關上表示歉意,他試圖減輕那些光劍的撞擊聲以及其他相當古怪的叮噹聲引發的喧鬧,不過好象沒什麼用處。
- It is vain to attempt to root out heresy by force. 試圖用暴力消除異端邪說是徒勞的。