- A military campaign has to be carefully planned out. 一個戰役必須經過周密的部署。
- They planned out a military campaign. 他們制定了一項作戰計劃。
- They planned out the military campaign . 他們籌劃了這個戰役。
- Military campaign in Germany under Drusus and Tiberius, Augustus' stepsons. 12-9 奧古斯都的繼子杜色斯和提比略攻打日耳曼。
- It is just like in military campaigns. 這就好比一場戰役。
- I have and always will support military campaigns. 我會始終支持軍事行動。
- The Sri Lankan government is pressing its military campaign against the Tamil Tiger rebels in the region. 在萬尼地區,斯里蘭卡政府軍正在對泰米爾猛虎反政府勢力發動猛烈攻擊。
- But to work, the military campaign has to be intimately bound up with economic and political progress. 但要行動奏效,軍事行動必須與經濟及政治進步密切配合。
- Oslash; Megatron returns just as Starscream attempts to restart the Decepticon military campaign. 紅蜘蛛圖謀東山再起之時,威震天失而復歸。
- Megatron returns just as Starscream attempts to restart the Decepticon military campaign. 紅蜘蛛圖謀東山再起之時,威震天失而復歸。
- If we must begin a military campaign, it will be directed against the lawless men who rule your country and not against you. 如果我們必須開始軍事行動,它所針對的是那些統治你們國家的不法之徒,而不是你們。
- President Bush says the US military campaign against terrorism is making good progress and is not, in his words, an instant gratification war. 總統日前稱,美軍對阿富汗恐怖主義的軍事打擊正在取得良好的進展,但還不是立即能讓人滿意的戰爭。
- In 1535 Tabinshwehti began a military campaign against the kingdom of Pegu in southern Myanmar, capturing the city of Bassein in the Irrawaddy delta. 德彬瑞蒂在1535年開始對下緬甸的勃固王朝採取軍事行動,他首先佔領了位於依洛瓦底三角洲的重鎮勃生。
- WITH its big electronic screens and global satellite links, the command centre feels like the heart of a vast military campaign. 通過巨大的電子屏幕和全球衛星聯接系統,指揮中心就像是一場大型作戰的心臟所在。
- Heretically, he said that more money had to be given to other arms of government so they could help the military campaign. 他標新立異地提出,政府應當將更多的預算花在其他部門的建設上,這樣在軍事行動中軍方也可以從中獲得支持。
- In his book, Massey writes that at one point he told an officer that the US military campaign "resembles a genocide" and that "our only objective in Iraq is petrol and profits. 在他的書中,「馬斯」寫到,有一次他告訴一個長官,美國戰役「類似種族滅絕」,「我們在伊拉克的唯一目標是石油和利益。」
- S.R.Obviously, the hammer-sickle propaganda machine preferred that Soviet citizens pay as little attention as possible to a scarcely encouraging military campaign (see p. 20). 很明顯,斧頭-鐮刀的宣傳機器更喜歡蘇聯人民對幾乎不受鼓勵的軍事運動付出儘可能少的關注。
- He fought in the N African campaign during the last war. 在上次戰爭中他在北非戰役參戰。
- The Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki says his country needs to wage an anti-corruption campaign to match the scale of its military campaign against insurgence. 馬利基在對伊拉克最強大的舍麥爾部落發表講話時承認,該國官員侵吞公共資金。馬利基講話之後幾個小時,貿易部長的一名兄弟因為涉嫌腐敗被伊拉克警方逮捕。
- Opposition Democrats largely supported the Bush administration's military campaign against al-Qaida and the Taleban in Afghanistan, immediately after the terrorist attacks. 反對者民主黨在恐怖襲擊之後,迅速廣泛支持了布希在軍事打擊基地組織和阿富汗塔利班的決策。