- To prepare all of financial statement relevant to construction cost and investment. 編報有關基建投資成本等各類報表。
- System construction cost low, the maintenance cost are few, but largely reduces the project cost. 系統造價低,維護費用少,可大幅降低工程成本。
- Flexibility: At the same time of saving construction cost, MRL and SMR elevators provide designers more free space. 體積小的交流無齒輪曳引機,使無機房或小機房電梯的布置成為可能,在節省建築成本的同時,提供給設計師更多的自由空間。
- Qualification Certificate on Project Construction Cost Consultation awarded by the Ministry of Construction of China. 中華人民共和國建設部頒發的工程造價諮詢甲級資質證書。
- Design stage is the key point of controlling the construction cost, and more attention should be paid. 設計階段是對工程造價影響最大的階段,是控制建設項目工程造價的重點,應引起足夠的重視。
- Discussing the job outline and practical ways of building construction cost by stages. 本文以建設單位的角度討論了建設的各個階段有效控制工程成本的工作要點、方法。
- Grading exploitation of rock-filling materials has great impact on face rock-fill dam filling and construction cost. 摘要面板堆石壩堆石料的級配開採對大壩的填築質量和施工成本影響重大。
- The interception ratio of combined system has a great effect on construction cost and discharge amount of pollutants. 合流制排水系統截流倍數對工程造價和污染物的排放量影響很大,本文分析了截流倍數的選擇問題。
- Escapes the screw bolt can ruin a construction cost billions US dollar telescope. 一個「逃脫」的螺絲釘就能毀掉一台造價幾十億美元的望遠鏡。
- The construction cost default has been a key problem that perplexes our country building industry to develop healthily. 工程款拖欠一直是困擾我國建築業健康發展的一個主要問題。
- The minimum overlying rock thickness of a crossing-river tunnel is one of the major factors,which determine the construction cost and the safety of the tunnel. 越江隧道上覆最小岩石覆蓋層厚度是決定隧道建設造價和安全的主要因素之一。
- It provides an important reference for bidding unit to determine construction cost price rapidly and accurately,for owner to select contractor. 為招標單位快速、準確的確定工程成本價及業主選擇承包單位提供了重要的參考依據。
- To use the geogrid in the retaining wall can prevent slope from falling down and be convenient for building, lower the construction cost . 在擋土牆上使用,可防止滑坡並且施工方便,降低了製造成本。
- The gas supply technology,construction cost,operation cost and scope of application for medium and small-scale LNG vaporizing station are discussed. 探討了中小型液化天然氣氣化站的供氣工藝、造價、運行成本及適用範圍。
- In accordance with the project construction cost is generally underwritten accounted for around 20% of the contract price. 按照工程項目施工造價算,一般墊資總額占合同造價的20%25左右。
- We are committed to carrying out settlement audit for construction engineering and calculating the construction cost impartially and fairly. 對建設工程進行決算審計,公正公平地確定工程造價。
- Development of abovementioned systems ensures the smooth proceeding of the bridge construction and reducing construction cost to a large extent. 這些項目的研究對橋樑建設的順利進行創造了條件,也大大地降低了施工成本。
- The construction based on old salt cavern can not only shorten the construction cycle, but also reduce the construction cost. 利用老溶腔不但可以縮短建庫時間,還可以減少鹽穴儲氣庫的建設成本。
- Carrying on the combination by two stations to trade rides, the construction cost of the project is too high, should be prudently used. 由兩個車站進行組合換乘,工程代價太高,應該慎重使用。
- After using pneumatic rammer piling method, the construction cost was reduced, piling quality was raised and construction speed was increased. 改用氣動夯錘打樁后,不僅節約了資金,而且提高了打樁的質量,加快了施工速度。