- The gang leader decided that the informer must be taken for a ride. 土匪頭目決定把告密者開車帶走殺掉。
- He's an underling of the gang leader. 他是匪首的爪牙。
- The gang leader was shopped by one of the robbers. 有個劫匪向警方告發了匪首。
- Hou escape from the despotic terrors on the mainland to Hong Kong, and he follow the gang leader Boss Kun. 1962年大逃亡潮,伍國豪、吳明流亡到香港。
- The gang leader is shopped by one of the robbers. 有個劫匪向警方告發了匪首。
- He is an underling of the gang leader. 他是匪首的爪牙。
- The police had sold themselves to the gang leaders. 那些警察已賣身投靠匪首。
- He's an underling of a gang leader. 他是匪首的爪牙。
- The men wondered how she could remain so calm, and if she was a gang leader. 對方覺得很奇怪,為什麼她能夠那麼鎮定,莫非是角頭大姊。
- He lies, cheats and steals his way into operating a plush casino, but when he incurs the wrath of a female Japanese gang leader, all bets are off! 后宗與李招聚江湖兒女組成雜技團,冀望步入正途,不竟被當地惡棍壓迫,雜技團首演后便告解散,各人一度各自謀生;
- Would you be able to know the inventor of revolver ONLY from the fact that you witnessed your brother shooting a gang leader with one? 如果你親眼看見你的兄弟拿一把左輪手槍打死了一個黑幫老大,你會僅憑此知道左輪手槍的發明人么?
- At the very dawn of his reign, gangsters slaughtered the Shanghai workers and Chiang made the gang leader one of the pillars of his regime. 他上台伊始就唆使流氓屠殺上海工人,並把這些流氓的頭子當作其政權的一根支柱。
- Omi was once the bitter enemy of the Minamoto siblings.In the fourth volume of the novels, he succeeds as the gang leader of the delinquents at his school. 實際上是操縱風的妖怪鎌鼬,因為過去的因緣而視源姊弟為眼中釘。
- The Bugbear Gang Leader is possibly the coolest-looking Common sculpt in the set, and I hear a repaint is in the works for the league kits that we send to participating game stores. 鬼怪群首領可能是這個系列普通戰棋造型中最酷的一位,而且我聽到它有用於小店聯盟賽的重漆版。
- A pink scarf links him up with a gang leader and his wife.Being tangled with inexplicable feeling between that woman and having an urge for showing loyalty to his leader, Makdong forfeits his life. 然而一條粉紅色絲巾,將他繫上黑幫頭目及其妻子,為了忠誠與莫名奇妙的感情,老麥未及殺害頭目的頭頭,卻斷送了自己的生命。
- The gang boss brings his gorillas with him everywhere he goes. 那幫派頭目無論到哪兒都帶著他的一群打手。
- Her boss landed all over her because of her carelessness. 她因粗心大意而受到她上司的責罵。
- I do not want to be in the boss line of fire today. 今天我不想遭到老闆的非難。
- I don't talk with my boss about my private matters. 我不和我的老闆談私事。
- This popularity even extended to the playground, where it was the clever ones, not the truants, who were gang leaders and organised games. 這種威信甚至擴展到了遊戲場上:孩子頭兒或遊戲的的組織者都是那些聰明的孩子而不是逃學者。