- Only after a century and a half of confusion is the royal authority restored. 只是在一個半世紀的混亂之後,皇權又得以恢復。
- After a year and a half of war Russia was defeated. 一年半的戰爭之後俄國被擊敗了。
- The four and a half per cent bonds are in request. 利息四厘五的債券需求量大。
- After a year and a half of dating, he showed up at the library and started rummaging through my desk. 在一年零六個月的約會後,他出現在了圖書館,開始在我的桌子翻尋,我問她找什麼,但他沒有回答我。
- As we read in chapter 39, the Babylonians finally broke through the city walls after a seige of one and a half years. 第三十九章記載,巴比倫人在經過一年半的時間圍攻之後,最後把城攻陷。
- After a number of injections my jaw got number. 許多次注射后,我的下顎復原了。?
- But in 1981, after a year and a half of strikes and unrest, the government declared martial law.Walesa was placed under house arrest. 但是在罷工和動亂的一年半后,1981年,政府宣布實施軍事管制法,瓦文薩(Walesa)被軟禁起來。
- Empowerment of the individual was the idea in 1857, and after a century and a half of travail and misadventure among human societies, there is no better idea left standing. 「權力歸於個人」,這就是1857年人們所秉持的信念,而人類社會經歷了一個半世紀的陣痛與種種劫難,並無更好的理念最終存留下來。
- An address and a number is put on the ring. 在鋁圈上標有地址和號碼。
- I am not averse to a dance party and a good mean after a week's hard work. 我不反對一周緊張的工作后舉辦一次舞會,再美餐一頓。
- I will do anything for you with a heart and a half. 我樂意為您做任何事情。
- The torch relay in 2008 after a number of regions and countries. 2008年的火炬傳遞經過了許多地區和國家。
- One and a half teaspoonfuls, please. 請放一勺兒半。
- One and a half aspirins are left in the bottle. 瓶里有一片半的阿斯匹林。
- After a three and a half hour flight from Liverpool John Lennon airport, Rafael Benitez and his Champions League finalists touched down on Greek soil at4 pm local time this afternoon. 在飛機從利物浦約翰·儂機場起飛后3個半小時,拉法·尼特斯和他的參加冠軍聯賽決賽的球員們在當地時間下午4點到達希臘。
- The destroyer's armament consist of several small cannon, two torpedo tube and a number of anti-craft gun. 驅逐艦上的武器裝備包括幾門小口徑大炮,兩個魚雷發射管與數門高射炮。
- A litter of one to four cubs is born in January or February after a gestation period of six to nine months, and they remain with their mother until they are fully grown or about one and a half years old. 經過六到九個月的懷孕期后一胎1-4個小熊在1月或2月出生。 它們同母熊住在一起,直到它們完全長大,即一歲半左右。
- It's three and a half per cent annually. 年息三厘半。
- Many groups of settlers came in order to have their own particular form of religion, and a number of offshoots of European churches are represented in America. 許多移民團體是為了保持他們自己的特殊宗教信仰而來的,這樣就使歐洲許多教派的分支在美國都有了代表。
- After a number of false starts, she finally found a job she liked. 她起初失敗了幾次,以後終於找到了喜歡的工作。