- Sufficient to satisfy a requirement or meet a need. 足夠的足以滿足要求或需求的
- Her income is not sufficient to support her family. 她的收入不夠養活家人。
- Is the money sufficient to cover the tuition? 這筆錢付學費夠嗎?
- It is sufficient to feed a hundred men. 這足夠供養一百個人的。
- The rain was not sufficient to do any harm. 雨量不足對莊稼有害。
- This is sufficient to show that his argument is false. 這足以證明他的論點是錯的。
- His gift of money hadn't been sufficient to prime the pump, and they went bankrupt. 他的贈款不足以使企業復甦,結果他們都破產了。
- The incident was sufficient to disarrangeher whole life. 那一事件足以使她整個一生受到擾亂。
- Is the acceleration plan sufficient to meet requirements? 加速生產計劃是否足以滿足要求?
- My allowance is sufficient to afford all of the hats that I need. 我的零用錢足夠購買我需要的各式帽子。
- Their combined enthusiasm was sufficient to convince two others. 這兩個人的共同熱忱,最後再說 服另外兩個人加人行列。
- A low population is not sufficient to halt a decline. 低的種群密度不足以立即阻止種群下降。
- Will it be sufficient to rely on the heterozygosity of one clone? 是否依靠一個無性系的雜合性就足夠了?
- A single specimen testing record is sufficient to evaluate. 單試件試驗結果對計算是足夠用的。
- Funds sufficient to meet an obligation or secure against loss. 保證金,擔保足夠付債或償還其損失的資金
- It is not all in all sufficient to be wicked in order to prosper. 一味狠毒,不能發達。
- These reasons are not sufficient to justify the ban. 這些理由不足以證明實施禁令有理。
- It is sufficient to retain only the first two digits. 只需取頭兩位數字就夠了。
- His income is not sufficient to support the whole family. 他的收入不夠用來養家糊口。
- His monthly salary is sufficient to support his family. 他的月工資足以養活他一家。