- The mountain scenery is majestic. 這山景十分壯麗。
- The majestic Rocky Mountains were covered with snow. 巍峨的落基山上覆蓋著白雪。
- Openings and closings were all accomplished with majestic rituality. 開幕和閉幕都是用隆重的儀式來完成的。
- In the distance we saw the majestic Rocky Maintains. 我們望見了遠處巍峨的落基山脈。
- We must do away with the grandiose style of work. 我們必須擯棄浮誇的工作作風。
- The beauty of Mt. Fuji is of a majestic order. 富士山之美顯得雄偉壯麗。
- Antarctica has always inspired grandiose schemes. 南極洲總是激發人們的宏偉設想。
- Gazing at that majestic painting is for me an almost transcendental experience. 我凝視著那幅氣勢磅?Z的畫,一種堪稱超凡的感受油然而生。
- You admittedly described him as grandiose. 你說他如此公然地描述這些。
- Adj: I don't approve of your defeatist attitude. 我不贊成你這種失敗主義的態度。
- The bridge stands majestic astride the river. 大橋巍然橫跨在江上。
- It was an elaborate and grandiose opening. 這是場精心製作而宏大的開場。
- He was very grandiose, a man leading a revolution. 他很厲害,一個人領導了一場革命。
- The majestic music reverberated in the sky. 雄壯的樂曲迴響在空中。
- The church styles range from plain to grandiose. 教堂的風格從簡樸到宏偉應有盡有。
- He looks majestic in his army uniform. 他穿上軍裝顯得很威風。
- In the distance rose the majestic Alps. 遠處聳立著雄偉的阿爾卑斯山。
- They marveled at the majestic palace. 他們對雄偉的宮殿讚嘆不已。
- She is a fun person to be with. (adj. 作名詞,表示「樂趣」,作形容詞,表示「有趣的」。
- That's what sets Majestic apart. 而majestic的獨到之處正在於此。