- ' Yuxin 55 ' 豫新55
- There are 55 minorities in our country. 我國有55個少數民族。
- The bill was carried by a majority of 55. 該議案以五十五票的多數獲得通過。
- The candidate captured 55% of the vote. 那位候選人獲得百分之五十五的選票。
- Drivers must not exceed a maximum of 55 miles an hour. 司機不得超過每小時五十五英里的最大時速。
- Shandong Yuxin Soybean Protein Co., Ltd. 山東御馨豆業蛋白有限公司。
- Yuxin: Instead of hurting people. 宇欣:不想傷人。
- Coal will be underproduced by 55%. 煤炭將減產55%25。
- Yuxin: You were just stopping him. 宇欣:您只是在制止他。
- Yuxin: What made him so different? 宇欣:他不同是怎麽回事呢?
- Tonglu Yuxin Automobile Parts Co., Ltd. 桐廬宇鑫汽配有限公司創建於1995年。
- Yuxin: You had not seen the images on TV? 宇欣:您沒有看到電視畫面?
- Meet me at 5:55 at the train station. 5點55分在火車站接我。
- Senior Well,here is your bus stop. Take the 55. 老太太: 這兒就是你的公共汽車站,乘55路。
- Let' s skip over this page and come to page 55. 咱們越過這一頁,看第五十五頁。
- You weigh 55 kilogrammes, and I 60 kilograms. 你重55公斤,而我重60公斤。
- He's certainly got the right idea,retiring at 55. 他真的想通了,打算在55歲時退休。
- His acting career spanned 55 years. 他的演藝生涯長達55年。
- There are 55 ethnic minorities in China. 中國有55個少數民族。
- Barry v. Barchi, 443 U.S. 55 (1979). [參見"巴里訴巴奇"案,載於《美國最高法院判例彙編》第443卷,第55頁(1979)]。