- Be82/236-381基因Be82/236-381 gene
- 番禺路381號甲近上海影城381 Jia Fanyu Rd., Near Shanghai Film Art Center
- 牙齦卟啉菌381對純鈦及鈦75合金種植體表面失澤的腐蝕Tarnish induced by Porphyromonas gingivalis 381 on implant denture surface of titanium and Ti-75 alloy
- 其中工業來源的排放量1566.6萬噸,生活來源的381.2萬噸。The discharge of the industrial sources hit 15.666 million tons and the discharge of the daily lives 3.812 million tons.
- 內科急診搶救381例昏迷病人回顧性分析及探討Retrospective analysis and discussion of 381 cases of stupor patients by emergency medical treatment in the internal medicine department
- 城區各功能區當中,城郊綠地中CO_2濃度最低,為381.1ppm;The CO_2 concentration of suburban district Greenland in the all functional zone is lowest,381.1ppm;
- 秋田位於日本海的日本本州島西北部一城市。為主要港口。人口296,381a city of northwest Honshu,Japan,on the Sea of Japan. It is a major port. Population,296,381.
- 奧倫奇美國得克薩州東南部城市,位於比芒德以東。是港口和加工業中心。人口19,381A city of southeast Texas east of Beaumont. It is a port and processing center. Population,19,381.
- 381個近岸海域海水水質監測點中,達到國家一類海水水質標準的監測點佔21.3%,比上年增加7.9個百分點;Out of the 381 offshore monitoring points, 21.3 percent of the points reported that the marine water quality reached National Grade I, up by 7.9 percentage points.
- 國有企業下崗職工中,得到基本生活保障的為381.7萬人,進入再就業服務中心的有155.8萬人。Of the total number of laid-off workers from state-owned enterprises,3.817 million had received basic living securities,and 1.558 million had registered with re- employment service centers.
- 為應付不斷增加的需求,該局增辦訓練課程,數目由一九九八年的317個增至一九九九年的381個。In response to increased demand,the council expanded the number of training programmes from 317 in 1998 to 381 in 1999.
- 周秦武,卞正中,張大龍.基於小波的超聲斑紋雜訊抑制與對比度增強.聲學學報,28(2003)4,381?384.Zhou Qinwu, Bian Zhengzhong, Zhang Dalong. De-noising and contrast enhancement of UltraSound speckle image based on wavelet. Acta Acustica, 28 (2003)4, 381?384, (in Chinese).
- 381個近岸海域海水水質監測點中,達到國家一類海水水質標準的監測點佔21.3%,比上年增加7.9個百分點。Out of the 381 offshore monitoring points,21.3 percent of the points reported that the marine water quality reached National Grade I,up by 7.9 percentage points.
- 奧倫奇:美國得克薩州東南部城市,位於比芒德以東。是港口和加工業中心。人口19,381現代英漢詞典。A city of southeast Texas east of Beaumont. It is a port and processing center. Population, 19,381.
- 夏季,一個陽光明媚的星期日清晨,我和妻子林思驅車轉上381號鄉村公路,在一望無邊的棉田中駛入南卡羅來納州。Early on a brilliant, summer sunday morning, my wife, Lynn, and I turned onto Rural Route 381 and drove into South Carolina between endless cotton fields.
- 美國最高法院宣布阿拉巴馬州和地方法令規定的公共汽車上的種族隔離是違法的,從而結束了這次持續了381天的抵制。The United States Supreme Court would end the boycott, which lasted 381 days, by declaring that Alabma's state and local laws requiring segregation on buses were illegal.
- 巴約訥法國西南部一城鎮,位於比斯開灣和西班牙邊界附近。法語、西班牙語和巴斯克語在當地通用。人口41,381A town of southwest France near the Bay of Biscay and the Spanish border. French, Spanish, and Basque are all spoken here. Population, 41, 381.
- 2005年,中國科學家和英國同行共發表聯合文獻1,561份,領先於英德聯合科學文獻1,381份和英法聯合科學文獻827份。In 2005 1,561 joint papers were produced by Chinese scientists with UK partners, ahead of Germany with 1,381 joint papers and France with 827.
- 只要購買10件或10件以上麥德蓮"設計者"或"設計者II"系列櫥櫃,您就可免費得到一個價值381美元的洗滌槽!詳情請到本店諮詢。Free sink base with the purchase of 10 or more medallion cabinets in any "designer"or "designer II"door style! a %24381 value. See store for details.
- DN有4種基因型,即E2/E2、E2/E3、E2/F4和E3/E3,其頻率和3個等位基因頻率為0.238,0.191,0.191,0.381和0.429,0.476,0.095。Type 2 diabetic patients with DN in Hans had 4 genotypes E2/E2, E2/E3, E2/E4, E3/E3 and 3 alleles E2, E3, E4, and their frequencies were 0. 238,0.191, 0.191, 0. 381 and 0.429, 0.476, 0.095 respectively.