- 節目的回憶:詩選1943-1948"Recollections of the Gala: Selected Poems, 1943-1948"
- 魁北克會議(1943,1944)Quebec Conferences (1943 and 1944)
- H.332協議H.332protocol
- 枯草芽孢桿菌B-332Bacillus subtilis B-332
- 這個神示殿在公元前332年依然很興旺。This oracle was still flourishing in 332 B.C.
- 在太平洋上的第二次世界大戰(1942-1943);島嶼被日軍佔領後來被美軍奪回。a battle in World War II in the Pacific (1942-1943); the island was occupied by the Japanese and later recaptured by American forces.
- 有332.3萬女工重新就業;323 million women workers are re-employed.
- 在1942和1943兩年,還是有大量的人聚集在時代廣場,然而很少人會慶祝新年的到來。In nineteen forty-two and 'forty-three crowds still gathered in Times Square, but there was little to celebrate.
- 我是瓊斯先生,332號房。This is Mr. Jones in room 332.
- 蘭德施泰納,卡爾1868-1943奧地利裔美籍病理學家。他由於發現人類血型而獲得1930年的諾貝爾獎Austrian-born American pathologist. He won a1930 Nobel Prize for the discovery of human blood groups.
- 測定了鏈黴菌屬Streptomyces(WaksmanandHenrici,1943)13個類群的代表菌種菌體的紅外光譜。The infrared spectra of pure cultures from various group of Streptomyces(Waksman and Henrici,1943),have been recorded, The results showed that the infrared spectra of Streptomyces are finger-print-like patterns which are highly typical and reproducible for different group.
- 332例注射方式海洛因依賴者梅毒檢測分析An Analysis of Syphilis Test of Heroin Injection Abuser in 332 Cases
- 幹部40名,士官260名,義務兵538名,學員332名。And there were 40 officers, 260 petty officers, 538 soldiers, and 332 students.
- Arturo Rosenblueth,Norbert Wiener和Julian Bigelow,在他們1943發表的論文中,定義了控制論(cybernetics)這一術語。Arturo Rosenblueth, Norbert Wiener & Julian Bigelow coin the term "cybernetics" in a 1943 paper
- 咪唑斯汀對332例急性蕁麻疹起效時間及療效的試驗觀察Observation of onset time and effects with mizolastine in the treatment of 332 cases of acute urticaria
- 霍爾,(馬爾古里特)拉德克利夫1886-1943英國作家,其作品孤獨之源(1928年),最初被認為是淫穢作品而在倫敦和美國遭禁。American astronomer who discovered and named the two satellites of Mars,Deimos and Phobos(1877).
- 公元前332年,馬其頓王國的亞歷山大率軍攻佔了整個埃及;in 332 BC Alexander of Macedonia took the country;
- 霍爾,(馬爾古里特)拉德克利夫1886-1943英國作家,其作品孤獨之源(1928年),最初被認為是淫穢作品而在倫敦和美國遭禁American astronomer who discovered and named the two satellites of Mars, Deimos and Phobos(1877).
- 它建於19世紀40年代,是世界上最南端的城市。人口95,332。Founded in the1840's,it is the southernmost city in the world. Population,95,332.