- 這本書的頁碼是從1編到 268的。The pages of the book were numbered 1 to 268.
- 雜交中秈稻天豐優269的選育與應用Breeding and Application of a Neu Medium Indica Hybrid Rice Combination Tianfengyou 269
- 269例呼吸道感染病原菌分佈及耐藥性分析Distribution and drug resistance to drugs of pathogenic bacteria in 269 respiratory tract infections
- 通過MTT比色法測定以上各組分對NCI-H460、SF-268和SGC-7901腫瘤細胞體外生長的影響。sophia against the cell lines such as NCI-H460, SF-268 and SGC-7901 still have not been reported.
- 進口269.9億美元,比去年同期增長28.9%。Imports registered at US%2426.99 billion, indicating an increase of 28.9 percent.
- in,from,out,以及of都是介詞。The words'in','from','out' and 'of are prepositions.
- 巴什拉,夢想的詩學,劉自強譯,生活讀書新知三聯書店,北京,1996,第五章,〈夢想與宇宙〉,頁217-268.Gaston Bachelard, The Poetics of reverie, tr. Daniel Russell, beacon Press, Boston, "Reverie and Cosmos", pp.171-212.
- 269例器質性腦病後遺癱瘓頸總動脈給葯觀察Observation for Intra-common Carotid Artery Administration on 269 Cases with Cerebral Paralysis
- 於年度內,部門在越南投資了四個總樓面面積合共約268,000平方尺的貨倉,並已取得保稅貨倉及集裝箱貨運站的牌照。During the year, the Division invested in four warehouses in Vietnam with an aggregate GFA of approximately 268,000 square feet, and obtained licenses for bonded warehouse and container freight station.
- Cu-InCu-In
- 2001年,信保局錄得受保出口總值達269.1億元,比去年同期增加1%。The corporation's total insured business in 2001 amounted to %2426.91 billion,representing an increase of 1 percent on the previous corresponding period.
- IN環IN-rings
- 在他穿上洋基隊球服的期間,雨刷伯一共擊出76支全壘打貢獻了269分打點。In his three seasons in pinstripes, Sheffield hit 76 home runs and collected 269 RBIs.
- IN陶瓷aluminium nitride
- 廣播電視界的行賄受賄〉,《法與經濟學期刊》1979年10月第22期2號269-328頁.Coase, Ronald. "Payola in Radio and Television Broadcasting." The Journal of Law and Economics, v. 22, no. 2, October 1979, 269-328.
- In組分indium content
- 急診手術55例,擇期手術341例; Billroth I式手術127例,II式手術269例。127 cases with Billroth I and 269 cases with Billroth II, Fifty five cases were emergent and 341 cases elec- tive.
- 主IN環principal IN-rings
- In摻雜In dopant