- big city with big country 大城市带大农村
- Nottingham is a big city with a vast network of streets. 诺丁汉是个大城市,街道纵横。
- I hate those students with big city superiority complex. 我讨厌那些有大城市优越情节的人。
- Sale the outlet also spreads over each big market of each big city with store. 销售渠道也遍及各大城市的各大商场和专营店。
- Bangkok is just like any other big city with a population of 10 million and chaotic traffic. 曼谷象其他的大城市一样,有着一千万的人口和混乱的交通。
- Stockholm is the capital of Sweden. It is a big city with a population of1.4 million. 水上城市威尼斯几乎是家喻户晓、叟皆知。然而,地处北欧的斯德哥尔摩被喻为“北欧的威尼斯”。这个你知道吗?
- Couldn't she smile?If only she were taller.They loved her kicking, but ...Like thousands of other young women, Twyla Tharp came to New York City with big dreams. 就像成千上万来纽约寻梦的女子一样,特怀拉-萨普怀揣着崇高的梦想。
- Through development of a few years, france the figure stand erect with big country of big country of science and technology and culture at the world, explore successful reason, have to allude quality education. 经过几十年的发展,法国以科技大国与文化大国的形象屹立于世,探索成功原因,不能不提及素质教育。
- In the region of true thoughts and feelings of Pearl River delta, have not very big city, that is with China one of 4 seas the Nanhai city with homonymic Nanhai. 楔子在中国的南海之滨,有一块美丽而富饶的土地,那就是举世闻名的珠江三角洲平原。在珠江三角洲的腹心地带,有一座并不很大的城市,那就是与中国四大海之一的南海同名的南海市。南海市仅仅是一个县级市,在偌大一张中国地图上,并不是那么显眼。
- The enemy beset the city with a strong army. 敌人以强大的军队围困城市。
- Hangzhou is a city with a long history. 杭州是一座有悠久历史的城市。
- This kind of battleship is assembled with big guns. 这种战舰装备着大型火炮。
- Life in big city is a lure for many country boy. 大城市的生活吸引著许多乡下小伙子。
- Life in big cities is a lure for many country boys. 大城市的生活吸引着许多乡下小伙子。
- He lives in a city with 100000 inhabitants. 他住在一个有十万居民的城市。
- Is meat packing a big country in your state? 在你们州,肉类加工是否算一门大型工业?
- One loses oneself easily in such a big city. 在这样的大城市里很容易迷路。
- The small port has developed into a big city. 该小港市已发展成为一个大城市。
- This reservoir supplies the entire city with water. 这个水库为全城供水。
- New York is both the biggest city of industry and commerce and the city with the largest area of slum in America. 作为美国最大的工商业城市纽约 ,同时也是拥有贫民窟面积最大的城市。