- big big insulin 巨胰岛素
- A furry,deep black and big big were wolf. 一只毛茸茸、黑漆漆、还有很大只很大只的狼人。
- Lots of spaghetti on a big big plate. 很多意大利面在一个大盘子里.
- To my all friends maby we are stranger in the big big world. 送给所有的朋友,也许我们在这个无限大的世界里还是陌路人。
- Look, much funnier, can bosom think like the balloon big big? 看看,多可笑,难道胸部能像气球一样想大就大吗?
- Poor clever boy besides it is a big big eater, still be a big Lothario. 瘦猴除了是个大饭桶,还是个大色狼。
- Im a little little one in the big big world, with my honest heart, comeing here, looking for someone just for friend. 我只是这个大世界里的小人物,带着我真诚的心,来到这里,仅仅是想找个朋友而已。
- Our firm is likely to reap a big profit this year. 今年我们公司很可能获得巨额利润。
- One day ,Big lion has big big trou-ble He is caught in a big ner he cannot move roar ! 有一天,狮子遇到了非常大非常大的麻烦。它被猎人的大网套住了动弹不得。
- In that big big house there are fifty doors and one of them leads to your heart.In the time of spri... 我心里真的很痛苦;谁又能知道...一个房间两个人;一个心里两方面;我就在中间;面对左和右;我把所有的痛苦都放...
- ROXETTE - Queen Of Rain Lyrics In that big big house there are fifty doors and one of them leads to your heart. 细细想来,正儿八经的摄影应该是我自小的向往。那时总梦想有朝一日,肩挎相机,周游采风,心下觉得这是一种天马行空,极度浪漫的生活。
- I still can't forget his cute face. Big Big eyes. Hairy fur. Playing wif him, is so happy and relax. 我还是望不了他那可爱得样子。大大地眼睛。蒙蒙的毛。跟他玩时,真开心。
- I had a haircut yesterday.i saw a girl about 10years old with a big big schoolbag waiting for her turn to haircut. 昨天我理发了;在等待理发的时候看到一个10岁模样的小姑娘背着一个大大的书包在那里和我一样等待着.
- One of my hand type journal and other hand non stop pickin up the strawberry and throw into my big big "bloody" mouth. 所以在一份感情刚刚开始的时候,他们显得非常容易害羞,而且显得有些笨拙。随着时间的推进,他们慢慢接纳这份感情之后,对这份感情认同感增强后,表现就会好得多。
- We never stinge on ingredients as usual...Look at the BIG BIG golden raisin and the cornflakes we used... 和平时一样我没有吝啬原料的哦!看看大大的葡萄干就知道了!
- Im sure all big big and small small members of zsg will give you full support... 让我们和你分担吧!别给自己太大压力。你已经是最棒的了!”
- Stop these, dead still beg bilks the ground to hold in both hands in vain give big big money " consecratory " give blackmailer! 岂止这些,还死乞白赖地捧出大把大把的钞票“奉献”给敲诈者呢!
- That little bop made away with the big pie. 小男孩把大馅饼吃光了。
- The big dog leapt up at the little girl. 那条大狗跳起来朝小女孩扑去。
- But you know what? When you are alone, there is only you in the room,big big empty room, you think ,you talk to yourself,you miss your lover... 但是你知道吗?当我们独处时,我们独自一人在一个房间里,大大空空的房间,我们思考,我们和自己说话,我们想念自己的恋人...