- This map neither show information of surveyor nor period of survey, but from the footnote know that is the record of big fire occurred duringin the George Town area. 从被毁坏的面积来看;主要原因大部分是当时还普遍使用的茅草屋顶的木构或半砖的房子.
- The boiler exploded and a big fire ensued. 锅炉爆炸了,随着而来的就是一场大火。
- In the big fire, some trees survived. 大火之后,仍有一些树木残存。
- That town was destroyed in a big fire. 那个城镇在一场大火中被毁了。
- A big fire consumed the whole house. 一场大火把这所房子整个烧光。
- After the big fire,they rebuit their house. 大火之后他们重建起家园。
- In the event that a fire occurs go to the nearest exit. "假如火灾发生了,到最近的出口。"
- The house was razed to the ground by a big fire. 那房子被一场大火夷为平地。
- The child felt frightened when he saw the big fire. 见到大火,那孩子感到恐惧。
- A small cigarette may catch big fire. 一支小小的香烟或许引起一场火灾。
- They made a big fire to keep off wild animals. 他们燃起熊熊篝火,使野兽不敢走近。
- How old were you when this town had the big fire? 当这个城镇发生大火时你多大?
- Several fires occurred that month. 那个月发生了几起火灾。
- To my surprise, he could escape from that big fire. 令我惊讶的是,他能够从那场大火里逃脱出来。
- It took a long time before the big fire died out. 过了很长一段时间那场大火才渐渐熄灭。
- Firefighters extinguished a big fire. 消防队员扑灭了大火。
- We should use big fire to make water boil quickly. 烧水要做到活火快煎。
- The firemen extinguished the big fire eventually. 消防队员最终将大火扑灭了。
- The whole village was wiped out in the big fire. 村庄在大火中全被烧毁了。
- The big fire resulted in 200 deaths. 这场大火导致200人死亡。