- bid to boost investment 鼓励投资
- He has appealed to chaebol leaders to boost investment and jobs. 他呼吁那些大财阀领导人要努力增加投资和就业机会。
- Sir Alex Ferguson is believed to be interested in luring the 24-year-old to Old Trafford in a bid to boost his shaky rearguard. 弗爵爷被一致认定对24岁的后卫很感兴趣,打算招募他来改善老特拉福德不稳定的后防线。
- To boost investment, the government is mulling a cut in corporate income tax and other tax changes. 为了促进投资,政府正在考虑削减企业所得税,以及改变其它税收。
- But in a bid to boost its battered business, KFC is to reopen its Vietnamese outlets with an all-new fish menu, even fish burgers. 为了刺激遭受重创的销售状况,肯德基在越南的分店打算重新开张,推出“以鱼代鸡”的全新菜单,其中甚至还有鱼肉汉堡。
- Taiwan will give each of its residents shopping coupons worth NT$3600 in a bid to boost the economy amid the global slowdown, Taiwan authorities said Tuesday. 台湾当局18日表示,将向台居民每人发放额度为3600元新台币的消费券,以期在全球经济低谷的大环境下推动经济发展。
- Brain Power: 200 students at a Twickenham (Middlesex) school were helped through their exams this year by eating bananas at breakfast, break and lunch in a bid to boost their brain power. 射手座的男往往不会详细的向你报告行踪,尤其是事前,他更不会一副征求你批准的态度。如果你东问西问,他很有翻脸的可能。
- The company hopes to boost its market share. 该公司希望增加其市场份额。
- He recommended that people remain neutral on the stock market in the first half of the year, and be ready to boost investment levels if, as he expects, shares show signs of rebounding at midyear. 他建议人们今年上半年继续对股市持中性态度,如果股市如他所料在年中时出现反弹迹象,投资者则应准备提高自己的股市投资比例。
- Can you try and persuade the supplier to boost the quantity a little bit? 能否请您去说服供货商稍微增加点供货呢?
- Edward is not very cheerful, he needs a holiday to boost him up. 爱德华精神欠佳,他需要度假以振作起来。
- He failed in his bid to reach the summit. 他攀登顶峰未能成功.
- We were bid to a river party-not to be preached at. 我们是被请来参加游河,可不是来听道的
- A number of cities bid to stage the games. 很多城市竞争奥运会举办权。
- This increase in demand is likely to boost prices. 需求的增加很可能推动价格上涨。
- In a bid to prevent any actual damage. 意思就是為了阻止任何实质性的破坏。
- Now that's one surefire way to boost someone's ego! 这招肯定会让人的虚荣心得以满足。
- Bid to Bid, with gros s in come re in ves ted . 按买入价比较,总收益用于再投资。
- Getting that job did a lot to boost his ego. 得到那份工作大大增强了他的自信。
- Bid to Bid, with gross income reinvested. 按买入价比较,总收益用于再投资。