- biceps brachi 肱二头肌
- biceps brachi reflex 肱二头肌反射
- The bodybuilders contracted their biceps in unison. 健美运动员们一起收缩肱二头肌。
- My biceps was being crushed to a pulp. 我的手臂好象已挤成肉酱一般。
- He showed off his bulging biceps. 他向人炫耀他发达的二头肌。
- Julien Jeanvier: And how big are his biceps again? 于连:(谈论健身教练)而且他的二头肌多大呀?
- Milo has a star tattoo on his right bicep. 的右手臂上有个星形的文身。
- This works the bicep muscle in the upper arm. 重量训练对健康有许多好处,例如保护骨骼、制造结实的肌肉组织。
- When bending the elbow the biceps are the agonist. 曲肘时,肱二头肌会收缩。
- Day two concentrate on back, triceps, and biceps. 第二天 背部,三头肌和二头肌。
- He gave his biceps a flex to impress the ladies. 他收缩他的肱二头肌以吸引那些女士们的目光。
- I like buff men with big biceps. 我喜欢有巨大二头肌的猛男。
- After the hand game, he felt as if his biceps had knotted up. 在扳手腕后,他感到二头肌好象打了结一样。
- Your biceps will develop quickly with that exercise. 经那种锻炼,你的肌肉会很快发达的。
- Measure around the fullest part of the biceps, fairly generously. 十分宽松地围量二头肌最丰满处。
- Q. Is there a difference between the right and left biceps? 问:左手二头肌和右手二头肌有什么区别?
- After the hand game,he felt as if his biceps had knotted up. 在扳手腕后,他感到二头肌好象打了结一样。
- I can make my thumb and forefinger meet round your bicep. 你的胳膊还不如我的大拇指和食指合拢来的圈儿那么粗。
- Talking about Igor the gym coach] And how big are his biceps again? (谈论健身教练)而且他的二头肌多大呀?
- Yao looks strong in that picture, look at those pecs and biceps. 照片里的姚看上去很强壮;看看那些胸肌和二头肌.