- Is the accused guilty beyond reasonable doubt? 被告确实有罪吗?
- His guilt was established beyond reasonable doubt. 他的罪行已经证据确凿了。
- Her guilt has been established beyond reasonable doubt. 她的罪状已经无可置疑地被确立了。
- The power of these technologies, taken together, is beyond reasonable doubt. 这些技术加在一起的威力,来自于合理的怀疑。
- The prosecution in a criminal case has to establish beyond reasonable doubt that the accused commits the crime. 刑事案中的原告方必须超出合理怀疑范围地确定被告犯了罪。
- The prosecution in a criminal case have to establish beyond reasonable doubt that the accused commit the crime. 刑事案中的原告方必须超出合理怀疑范围地确定被告犯了罪。
- The prosecution has to prove beyond reasonable doubt that he is guilty of murder. 控方必须毫无疑义地证明他犯有谋杀罪。
- The prosecution was able to establish beyond reasonable doubt that the woman had been lying. 公诉人确切无疑地证实这个女人一直在撒谎。
- The results prove beyond reasonable doubt that the pendulum has swung away from slouchy informality towards correct usage. 结果不容置疑,钟摆已经从散不拘礼,摆向了正确用语。
- To convict someone in a criminal fraud case, it must be proved, beyond reasonable doubt that a dishonest act that caused deprivation was made with criminal intent. 如果要想证明被告的刑事诈骗罪,在不能凭借合理怀疑就定罪的原则下,证明导致受害者损失的这一不诚实行为存在刑事犯罪动机。
- Beyond Reasonable Doubt - Knowing God 超越理性-认识上帝
- Is the accused guilty beyond all reasonable doubt? 判定被告有罪是否毫无怀疑余地
- The criminal law presumes the innocence of the accused until he has been proved guilty beyond reasonable doubt; 刑法假设在被告被证明有罪毫无合理疑问之前,他是无罪的;
- The collection of any taxes which are not absolutely required, which do not beyond reasonable doubt contribute to the public welfare, is only a species of legalized larceny 任何并非绝对必要,或者显然对公共福利并无助益的课税,只是一种合法化的窃盗行径。
- The answer is far beyond reasonable. 这答案没道理。
- Keep going till you get reasonable doubt. 一直说,直到你得到合理怀疑。
- All you need is reasonable doubt. 你所需要的是合理怀疑。
- Love is beyond reason,it is superrational. 爱情无道理可言,超乎常理!
- This unexpected silence mortified him beyond reason. 这意外的不理睬无缘无故地伤害了他的自尊心。
- He was so full of his own schemes, that he swept aside reasonable doubts. 他很有一套自己的办法,对别人合理的怀疑也不予理会。