The whirly demoulding mechanism designs of shape-gear and the whirly plastic parts of bevel gear injection mould were introduced. 介绍了斜齿轮塑件注射成型模具的齿形型腔旋转式和斜齿轮塑件旋转式两类脱模机构设计。
But shaping as one of the bevel wheel" cutting technique has not realized the Computerized Number Control completely , it still must use the helix track to realize the spire move. 插齿加工作为斜齿轮切削加工的一种不可替代的加工方法还没有实现完全数字化控制,螺旋导轨依然是实现螺旋运动的机械副件。
Above result revealed that multidirectional closed die forging of spiral bevel gear was feasible. 揭示了使用复动闭式模锻模具成形小锥角螺旋伞齿轮的可行性。
Make the bevel gears of the industrial sewingmachine with damping alloy instead of steel to test noise. 应用阻尼合金材料制作工业平缝机伞齿轮代替钢质齿轮。
This study offers a theoretic basis for improving machining precision and the error compensations of spiral bevel gear. 研究结果对提高螺旋锥齿轮的加工精度和进行误差补偿提供了理论依据。
The parametric modeling method for loxodrome normal circular-arc spiral bevel gear was presented. 给出了斜航式法向圆弧螺旋锥齿轮的参数化建模方法。