- Cuckoo tree blossoms between spring and summer. 生命力强,既耐乾旱又能抵抗潮溼,环境适应力强,春至夏季开花。
- Maythe special month between spring and summer,I am becoming upsettoo.Last Sunday,Hongshan park,this week alone,what is wrong,I donot know. 这两天高一高二弄运动会呢,又有点怀旧,写了一些同学录,往事又涌向心头,时光荏苒,小叶女贞又发芽了。
- In jail, the prisoners get stir-crazy during the spring and summer. 在监狱中,犯人到了春夏就被关得快发疯了。
- Wild Honey Plants in Wuyishan National Nature Reserve Between Spring and Summer 武夷山国家级自然保护区春夏季野生蜜粉源植物资源
- So the days passed in spring and summer. 春夏的时光就是这样度过的。
- The false boom of the spring and summer had ended. 春、夏的虚假繁荣已经结束。
- Spring and summer will arrive in due time. 春季夏季会循时来临。
- In jail,the prisoners get stir-crazy during the spring and summer. 在监狱中,犯人到了春夏就被关得快发疯了。
- In jail,the prisoners got stir-crazy during the spring and summer. 在监狱中,犯人到了春夏就被关得快发疯了。
- In jail, the prisoner get stir- crazy during the spring and summer. 在监狱中,犯人到了春夏就被关得快发疯了。
- In spring and summer, there are small greenish white flowers. 在春季和夏季,长了呈绿色的小白花。
- between spring and summer 春夏之际
- During spring and summer guests can relax on the Patio for lunch or dinner. 春和夏季时客人可以在我们的庭院休息而食用物或晚饭。
- The map of distribution probability and spatial analysis indicated that the foraging sites tended to be clumped with partially overlap between spring and autumn. 生态因子的主成分分析结果表明, 人为干扰对绿孔雀的影响大于安全和食物需求对它们自身的影响。
- In addition, they offer shady, leafy nesting sites in the spring and summer. 更重要的是,在每年的春天和夏天,它们是鸟类荫蔽繁茂的驻巢场所。
- Like a giant hotplate ,the plateau heats up in the spring and summer. 高原像一个巨大的拷盘,在春天和夏天得到加热。
- Keep the atmosphere moist and humid throughout the spring and summer. 在春夏两季都要保持空气湿润。
- The Indian families separate in the winter season and reassociate in spring and summer. 印度的家族在冬季分开,到了春季和夏季时再行团聚。
- However, between the spring and summer of 1921, there occurred an unprecedented food crisis in Hunan Province characterized by its longer continuance, greater perniciousness than ever before. 然而,湖南却于1921年春夏间发生了空前的春荒。春荒具有延续时间长、波及范围广、危害程度深的特征。