- Not only is this inelegant and crude, but it is error-prone and fails to capitalize on a productive division of labor between humans and machines. 这不仅丑陋而笨拙,而且使用者也很容易出错,另外原本希望人机分工带来的高生产力也没有体现出来。
- Hsin-Chien Huang discusses the absurdity of miscommunication by visions and meanings between human and machines using these delicate digital apparatuses. 黄心健藉由这些精心堆砌的数位装置作品,探讨人机互动下图像与语意错置的谬误关系。
- Between Human and Machine: Feedback, Control, and Computing Before Cybernetics. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2002. 《人与机器之间:控制论中的反馈、控制与计算》。约翰·霍普金斯大学出版社,2002。
- Virtual reality, an emulational system interacted between human and machine, is produced automatically by digital technology.Its cultural expression is the network literature. 摘要虚拟真实是数字化技术自动生成的人机互动仿真系统,网络文学是对它的文化表达。
- Aiming at the disadvantages of static function allocation in human supervisory control,a workload-based method which is used to reallocate function between human and machine dynamically is proposed. 摘要 针对监督控制系统静态功能分配的不足,提出了一种基于操作员工作量的动态功能分配触发方法,实现了多无人机监督控制的人机动态功能分配。
- At last, the paper sets forth the solving program of the long distance data transfer and adopts the LNS DDE technology and VCSC configuration software to complete interface between human and machine. 最后,本文提出了总线远距离数据传输的解决方案,上位机采用LNS DDE技术和VCSC监视组态平台实现实时的画面监视功能。
- Where did this type of duet begin between humans and whales? 在人类和鲸鱼之间这种类型的二重唱起源于何处呢?
- Interface Between Human and Machine 人机接口
- We believe in the harmonization between human and nature. 我们的产品遍布世界各地。
- Confused: Yet isn't mrn confined between humanity and deity? 惑儒:人不正是受困于人性与神性之间?
- between humans and machines 人机间
- Ecology is a branch of science that studies the relation between humans and the environment. 生态学是一门研究人类与其环境之间关系的科学。
- But according to the definition of intentionality that Searle had given, its premise was subjuctive statution of person, so it isn' t the distinction between human bings and machines. 但根据塞尔本人对意向性的定义,是以人的主观状态为前提的,因而不能成为人机之间的区别。
- Robust decision making interactively combines the complementary abilities of humans and machines. 稳健决策结合了人类与电脑互补的能力。
- Men and machines poured along the main highways. 人和机动车顺着公路如潮涌而去。
- He was studying the complex similarities and differences between humans and animals. 他在研究人和动物之间错综复杂的相似与不同之处。
- Ecology is a branch of science that studies the relation between human and the environment. 生态学是一门研究人类与其环境之间关系的科学。
- On the night of the feast, behaving out of desire and lust, makes there no differences, between humans and beasts. 盛宴之夜,人与兽无所分别,皆随欲望恣意妄为。
- Many scientists consider consciousness the delineation between humans and other animals. 许多科学家认为正是意识,把人类和其它动物相互分隔。
- As blessings flow between others and between humans and the land or sea, harmony and unity is restored into the dream. 当祝福在彼此之间,在人类之间,在大地或海洋之间流动时,那么梦想中就恢复了和谐与统一。