- beta decay energy β-衰变能量
- In some kinds of beta decay, a nuclide loses surplus positive charge by emitting a positron (in the same event, a proton becomes a neutron, and neutrinos are also given off). 以某种贝它衰减,一个核素靠发出一个正电子失去剩余正电荷(在相同的事件中,一个质子变成一个中子,而且也发射微中子)。
- What made the Roman Empire decay? 罗马帝国为何衰亡?
- Old civilization may fall into decay. 古老的文化可能会渐渐衰落下去。
- The empty house has fallen into decay. 那座空房已成一片颓垣。
- The tree exhibited signs of decay. 那棵树显示腐蛀的迹象。
- It is possible to transmute one form of energy into another. 把某种形态的能量改变成另一形态的能量是可能的。
- His mental decay is distressing. 他的智力衰退令人苦恼。
- Young people usually have more energy than the old. 青年人通常比老年人精力充沛。
- Growth and decay are vital processes. 生长和衰亡是生命过程。
- The industry felt the effects of the energy crisis. 该工业受到能源危机的影响。
- The dentist could detect no decay in her teeth. 牙医检查了她的牙,未见有龋齿。
- Cavities in teeth are caused by decay. 牙齿的蛀洞是由蛀蚀造成的。
- I rallied all my energy for further effort. 我振作精神以做再次的努力。
- Kinetic energy is the energy arising from motion. 动能就是由于运动而产生的能量。
- Solar energy is a new kind of source of energy. 太阳能是一种新型能源。
- Human remains, especially after cremation or decay. 骨灰人的遗骸,尤指在火化或腐烂后
- It is important to conserve energy. 节省能源十分重要。
- allowed beta decay 容许衰变