- The best lending rate quoted by major banks in Hong Kong was lowered by a total of 438 basis points during the year. 年内,本港各大银行曾多次调低最优惠贷款利率,合共调低438基点。
- The movement of the best lending rate quoted by major banks matched that of the savings deposit rate. 各大银行所报的最优惠贷款利率走势,与储蓄存款利率的变动一致。
- We recognise that funding structures differ among banks, but that did not stop them from using the same best lending rate for a long time. 我们明白银行各有不同的资金结构,但这无碍大家一直沿用同一个最优惠贷款利率。
- But some have found this a little confusing, and this is not helped by the fact that the mortgage rate is actually below the best lending rate. 但有些人对上述情况感到有点混乱,尤其按揭利率其实比最优惠贷款利率低,情况更甚。
- The best lending rate at end-December,at 8.5 per cent,was 25 basis points below the pre-crisis level in June 1997 and at par with the current US prime rate. 十二月底,最优惠利率为8.;5厘,较一九九七年六月亚洲金融危机前的水平低25基点,与目前美国最优惠贷款利率相同。
- The best lending rate at end-December, at 8.5 per cent, was 25 basis points below the pre-crisis level in June 1997 and at par with the current US prime rate. 十二月底,最优惠利率为8.;5厘,较一九九七年六月亚洲金融危机前的水平低25基点,与目前美国最优惠贷款利率相同。
- Because of the high liquidity, the best lending rate for the Hong Kong dollar had remained unchanged, despite the 25 bp increase in US interest rates. 尽管美元利率上调25基点,但由于港元流动资金充裕,港元最优惠利率保持不变。
- Because of ample liquidity in the interbank market, banks had cut their best lending rates and savings deposit rates despite a stable policy interest rate in the US. 尽管美国的政策利率保持稳定,但由于银行同业市场流动资金充裕,银行调低最优惠贷款利率及储蓄存款利率。
- A Model of Best Lending Rate Adjustment Decisions of Hong Kong Banks 有关香港银行调整最优惠贷款利率决定的模型
- best lending rate 最优惠贷款利率
- The government has reduced the lending rate for poor families. 政府对条件困难的家庭实行贷款减息政策。
- The People's Bank of China raised the benchmark one-year lending rate for the third time. 中国人民银行第三次上调一年期贷款基准利率。
- Borrowing pool [IBRD] Pool of IBRD funded debt used to determine on a semi-annual basis the IBRD lending rate. 借款总库[国际复兴开发银行]指国际复兴开发银行资助的债务总和,用来确定其每半年调整一次的贷款利率。
- After the hikes, the benchmark one-year deposit rate is 3.6 percent while one-year lending rate is 7.02 percent. 一年期存款基准利率和一年期贷款基准利率分别上调至3.;6%25和7
- The central bank hiked its key lending rate to 11.5% from 8.5% to try to make holding forints more attractive. 为抑制市场持有福林的兴趣,央行将关键贷款利率从8.;5%25上调到11
- Then it analyzed financing cost finding out its cause is high lending rate and financing cost. 接着再分析其融资成本,发现其原因是借款利率和融资费用偏高。
- In a nutshell, when the Federal Reserve drops the prime lending rate, they're encouraging you to spend money. 总之,当美联储降低了基本放款利率,他们就是在鼓励你去花钱。
- The PBoC raised its 1-year benchmark lending rates by 18 bps to 7.47%. 央行提高了一年期贷款基准利率18个基本点到达了7.;47%25。
- Against market expectation, bank deposit and lending rates remained unchanged. 与市场预期相反,银行存款和贷款利率保持不变。
- Borrowing pool [IBRD]: Pool of IBRD funded debt used to determine on a semi-annual Basis the IBRD lending rate. 借款总库[国际复兴开发银行]:指国际复兴开发银行资助的债务总和,用来确定其每半年调整一次的贷款利率。