- best economy rating 最低燃料消耗率
- The IMD World Competitiveness Report ranks Switzerland the best economy in the world after Hong Kong and Singapore in terms of labor regulations. 据国际管理发展学院竞争力报告,由于瑞士的劳动法规,瑞士紧随香港,新加坡之后排名世界经济最佳国家。
- With the petrol engine, the vRS boasts a combined fuel economy rating of 37.7 mpg (combined cycle) and CO2 emissions of 175 g/km. 与汽油发动机,该军拥有结合燃料经济评级为37.;7英里(联合循环)和二氧化碳的排放量为175克/公里。
- Pendennis's fortune, which was not above eight hundred pounds a year, did not, with the best economy and management, permit of his living with the great folks of the country. 潘登尼斯的财产,一年至多八百英镑收入,凭这点钱,哪怕精打细算,治家有方,要交结郡里的名门望族,还是不够的。
- Putting it to use in helping get those basement-low fuel economy ratings. 将其投入使用,帮助让这些地下室低的燃油经济性评级.
- "The best economy in 30 years ought to have lessened inequality instead of just slowing its growth," says Jared Bernstein, a labor economist at the Economic Policy Institute, a union-backed think tank. 经济政策研究所研究劳工问题的经济学家贾里德·伯恩斯坦说:“30年内最理想的经济应当是减少不平等,而非仅仅减慢不平等的增长速度。”
- "The best economy in 30 years ought to have lessened inequality instead of just slowing its growth," says Jared Bernstein,a labor economist at the Economic Policy Institute,a union-backed think tank. 经济政策研究所研究劳工问题的经济学家贾里德·伯恩斯坦说:“30年内最理想的经济应当是减少不平等,而非仅仅减慢不平等的增长速度。”
- The macroscopic data indicated that in 2008 our country national economy rate of rise will have postpones, some development facility estimated that the gdp rate of increment will be about 10.1%. 宏观数据表明2008年我国国民经济增长速度将有所放缓,一些研究机构预计gdp增长率将为10.;1%25左右。
- Those better-than-expected fuel economy ratings can be attributed to the Equinox's economical drivetrain. 这些好于预期的燃油经济性评级可以归因于春分的经济动力。
- To obtain profit from management, it is necessary to apply ring log management in cot house for better economy. “向管理要效益”,从对胶辊实施“环扣记录式”管理入手,通过科学管理,将产生明显的经济效益。
- Swimming is the best way to tone up your body. 游泳是健体强身的最好方法。
- She is one of the best hurdlers in the world. 她是世界上最优秀的跨栏选手之一。
- EPS have better economy and treating effect than other disposing methods in deep soft ground and low filling barrier. 采用EPS超轻质材料填筑路堤,通过与其他处理方式比较,结果表明,EPS材料在深厚软土地基低填方路堤中具有良好经济性和处理效果。
- Are the lower crime rates in an area due to the Block Watch, new policing techniques, or just a better economy? 某区域犯罪率低是因为社区守卫,新的治安办法,或者只是因为经济好转?
- Buying a house is the best hedge against inflation. 购买房子是防止通货膨胀的最佳保障。
- The reason of quicker household division in rural family lies in housemaster authority weakening and better economy condition of young people. 农民分家节奏加快的深层原因是家长权威的弱化与年轻人经济能力的增强。
- Chevy's upcoming 2010 Equinox crossover is now expected to boast higher fuel economy ratings than GM had originally hoped for, making it the most efficient vehicles in its class. 雪佛兰即将推出的2010年春分交叉预计吹嘘收视率较高的燃油经济性比通用汽车公司原本希望,使它成为最有效的车辆在其阶级.
- VW will also be introducing its 7-speed DSG (dual-clutch) transmission in the Polo for the first time. Putting it to use in helping get those basement-low fuel economy ratings. 大众也将推出7速DSG(双离合器)变速器的马可波罗首次。将其投入使用,帮助让这些地下室低的燃油经济性评级.
- He nabbed the best seat in the house. 他抢到剧院最好座位。
- The result shows that based on the technology of NHR-200 and some improvements a small cogeneration BWR with better economy than NHR-200 may be developed. 结果表明,以NHR-200为基础并作一些改进,有可能发展成为小型热电联供沸水堆CR-200,该堆具有比低温供热堆HR-200更好的经济性。