- Feeds mainly on benthic invertebrates (Ref. 4727). 主要吃底栖的无脊椎动物。
- Most of the benthic invertebrates distributed in the Jianzhuhai, Wuhuahai, Zhenzhu beach, Xiniuhai, Laohuhai and Luweihai. 分布以箭竹海、五花海、珍珠滩、犀牛海、老虎海及芦苇海种类最多,数量最大。
- The result indicated that there were 45 species of benthic invertebrates in its main water body, helonging to 4 phyla, 5 classes, 10 orders, 30 families and 40 genera. 结果表明:九寨沟主要水体底栖无脊椎动物由4门、5纲、10目、30科、40属、45种组成。
- The results showed that the juvenile A. sinensis mainly fed on demersal fish, polychaeta and amphipoda, as well as some small-sized benthic invertebrates including shrimp, crab and bivalve. 结果表明:长江口中华鲟幼鱼以底栖小型鱼类、多毛类和端足类为主要食物,兼食虾类、蟹类及瓣鳃类等小型底栖动物。
- benthonic invertebrates 底栖无脊椎动物
- Molluscs, insects and worms are all invertebrates. 软体动物、 昆虫、 蠕虫都是无脊椎动物。
- There is a rich benthic invertebrate fauna under the mangrove forests and in summer, several bird species nest in the mangroves trees. 在红树林下可找到丰富的底栖无脊椎动物,夏天更有多种雀鸟在红树林筑巢栖息。
- Abstract: The aquatic ecology of the Yangtze River Basin was investigated and evaluated by using benthic invertebrate as indicator species. 摘要: 采用底栖动物作为指示物种对长江流域的水生态进行了调查研究和生态评价。
- A similar part in some invertebrates. 非脊椎动物的与前者相类似的部分
- A similarly functioning structure in invertebrates. 类似心脏的结构无脊椎动物类似的功能结构
- The paper also emphasized the zoology index that belongs to ecosystem instinctual characteristic and introduced the estimate methods that used algae,benthic invertebrate and fish as indicator. 着重阐述了系统本身特性中的生态指标,列举了以着生藻类、底栖无脊椎动物和鱼类为指示生物的评价方法。
- An excretory organ of certain invertebrates. 某些无脊椎动物的排泄器官
- This study described community structure of phytoplankton,zooplankton,aquatic vascular vegetation and macro benthic invertebrate in Haihe River and the characteristics of ecosystem of Haihe River. 本文以调查、分析海河浮游植物、浮游动物、水生维管束植物和大型底栖生物等主要生物群落现实结构为主,系统分析了海河水生生态系统状况。
- Molluscs , insects and worms are all invertebrates. 软体动物、昆虫、蠕虫都是无脊椎动物.
- In biology, larvae are invertebrates. 在生物学上,孑孓是无脊椎动物。
- Bo not use with corals and invertebrates. 珊瑚和无脊椎动物不适用本产品。
- Endemism of vertebrates and invertebrates is also very high. 公园里的本地特有的脊椎动物和无脊椎动物也很多。
- benthonic invertebrate 底栖无脊椎动物
- Investigation of Benthic Invertebrates in Jinping Hydroelectric Station Before the Building of the Reservoir 锦屏一级水电站建库前的底栖无脊椎动物多样性调查
- An integument or outer layerof various invertebrates. 表皮皮层非脊椎动物最外层的皮层。