- According to the nature of complement, the common guarantor has “beneficium excussionis” and the right to defense named “cui-gao”. 基于保证责任的补充性,一般保证人可享有催告抗辩权和先诉抗辩权。
- beneficium excussionis 财产检索的权利
- In Chapter 1 it introduces the origin, development and change of beneficium cedendarum actionum. 第一章主要讲述债权人代位权制度的历史沿革:代位权制度的起源、发展、变化;
- In Chapter 3 after introduction oi scholars" views on the character of beneficium cedendarum actionum, the writer puts forward that beneficium cedendarum actionum should be salvage right. 第三章在介绍了学者们对债权人代位权性质定位后,提出了自己对债权人代位权性质的见解,笔者认为代位权的性质应是救济权。
- Beneficium liberorum vel aetatis 子女或年龄的照顾
- Analysis of Our National Beneficium Division System 我国先取特权制度探析
- beneficium in Western Europe 西欧采邑制
- beneficium [法] 利益, 恩惠
- beneficium abstinendi [法] 抛弃继承权
- beneficium cedendarum actionum [法] 债权代位权
- beneficium competentiae [法] 破产人保留生活必需物的正当权利
- beneficium divisions [法] 分摊利益
- beneficium inventarili [法] 限定继承
- beneficium of priority [法] 优先权益
- beneficium of survivorship [法] 生存权
- beneficium ordinis [法] 先诉抗辩权
- beneficium competence 破产债务人保留生活必需物的正当权
- beneficium abstinence 拒绝继承的权利
- under beneficium of inventory [经] 根据受益人财产目录
- beneficium division 先取特权