- A set of beneficial genes carried by African emigrants, perhaps ones that assisted in childbearing, brought a selective advantage that eventually blotted out the signature of some archaic genes. 哈彭丁为此提出解释,例如迁离家园的非洲人带来一组有益的基因可造成某种优势(也许是顺利分娩),到最后把某些古代人种基因的特性遮盖掉了。
- Sports are beneficial to building our bodies. 体育运动有益于增进我们的体质。
- Calcium is beneficial to our bones. 钙对我们的骨骼有益。
- Fresh air is beneficial to our health. 新鲜空气有益于健康。
- Affording advantage; beneficial. 有利的提供优势的; 有益的
- The change is beneficial in some ways but not in others. 这些变革有的方面有好处,有的方面没好处。
- beneficial gene 有利基因
- Capable of bringing about a beneficial result or effect. 有益的可以带来有利的结果或影响的
- The position that a given gene occupies on a chromosome. 基因座在一条染色体上某种给定基因所占的位置
- Is Organic Food More Beneficial to Health? 有机食品是否更有利于健康?
- Sunshine is beneficial to plants. 阳光对植物有益。
- Half of the people who inherit the gene express it. 半数有这种遗传基因的人,皆显示出其影响
- You will find it beneficial in the long run. 从长远上看,你会发现这个很有益。
- The beneficial or nutritious part. 精华有益的或富有营养的部分
- A beneficial factor or combination of factors. 有利条件有利因素或有利因素的总和
- Ia biking as beneficial as jogging? 骑脚踏车跟慢跑一样对身体有益吗?
- Now the variant of each gene is called an allele. 每一种基因的变化就叫做等位基因。
- I don't see why not, if it is beneficial. 我看不出为什么不行,只要对我们有益。
- We know a lot about the structure of gene now. 如今我们对基因的结构有了较多的了解。
- I don't see why not,if it is beneficial. 我看不出为什么不行,只要对我们有益。